Sunday, July 26, 2015

Honda Accord 2016: photos and features – – ​​ (Blog)

Honda Accord – The Japanese brand has updated its segment D by introducing a number of interesting new features. The 2016 model year of the car is characterized in fact by many cosmetic upgrades but also for the introduction of juicy new technologies. In addition to the new full LED headlights, debuts on Honda Accord also ‘ Honda Sensing , the package of safety systems including, among other things, the adaptive cruise control, the system of autonomous braking in case of accident and the system of maintaining lane.

Among the main new features is noted, however, the debut of a system of infotainment systems with Apple Car Play and Android Car . For the first time the Japanese brand proposes these two systems on a car: simply connect the new Honda Accord your iPhone or Android smartphone to be able to then operate via a touch screen 7-inch positioned at the center of the dashboard.

The instrument panel includes two screens, however, the second of which is from 7.7 vice- and allows you to see numerous additional information such as directions of navigation, but also images of the rear view camera.

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