Saturday, July 11, 2015

At the Rome Film Festival’s Market for TV series, movies and video games … – The Time



 For the first time in an Italian Market it will address all segments of the audiovisual product. From movies to TV series, from documentaries to “factual” (television genre that tells the daily life), but also animation and video games, all the realities of the audiovisual world will be part of Mia, the new International Market Audiovisual whose first edition will be held in Rome October 16 to 20 at the Film Festival (October 16 to 23), with the support of Ministry of Economic Development and Ice Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies. The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Istituto Luce-Cinecittà and will count on the collaboration of the Rome Lazio Film Commission, in cooperation with the national film commission.

 Mia was presented yesterday at the Baths of Diocletian by the Director Lucia Milazzotto and the President of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma Piera Detassis, together with the Deputy Minister of Mise Carlo Calenda, the governor of the Lazio Nicola Zingaretti and alderman Capitoline Culture Giovanna Marinelli. The market will take place in different locations in the capital, all of the Baths of Diocletian, which will host co-production meetings and networking activities. In the nearby Hotel Boscolo Exedra (Republic Square), will be held instead conferences and meetings between buyers and sellers, while the cinema Quattro Fontane will host projections. The film industry will be furnished by Anica and Fondazione Cinema per Roma; television broadcasting by APT; documentaries by Doc / it.

 “We are leading Italian not only for production but also for events – said the president of the Lazio Region Nicola Zingaretti – The Mia is a novelty here that places the international audiovisual market and also the choice made in recent months to have the Fondazione Cinema per Roma, which produces two parties, one on film and one on fiction, created a synergy that will make it much more competitive part of the events on these issues. We worked together at various levels of government and that definitely helps the production, labor, businesses, young people of our region. On the occasion of the international audiovisual market we will present a first call by 10 million euro, financed with EU funds, aimed at attracting international co-productions and thus promote the presence of large global players next to domestic producers. Then we present a second notice by 2 million euro, aimed at SMEs and Italian companies, in support of technological innovation in the production of audiovisual. Although this announcement is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of our companies. It is another support for the work, production and small and medium enterprises in the Lazio. These results are important as we thought the European programming, that is, within an idea of ​​chain on some areas on which we intend to invest, and as in any other region in Lazio Italian audiovisual means jobs, growth of GDP, development of the area . Thanks to the work we did there will be a huge leap in the production of an event of a world. “


Dina D’Isa


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