Thursday, May 26, 2016

It is not a “green fascist.” The real message of the new era … – The Huffington Post

Because Van Der Bellen, a victorious surprise dam in Austria xenophobic populism Hofer, is instead dubbed the “green fascist”? Van Der Bellen, a nineteenth-century aristocracy persecuted by the violent Soviet Communism, is the son of political refugees from Estonia invaded by the Soviets, was a genuine social democrat when it came to oppose the vague Catholic populism and the compartment. “Communist socialism”

the reason is that in his election as President reads an epochal passing establishment socialist and democrat, whose shaky political culture and therefore resorts to insults paradoxical.
brilliant economist and retired university professor, Alexander van der Bellen, 72, suffers a bit ‘, especially from television screens, his opinionated ways to limit intellectual arrogance, which earned him the nickname of superficial and journalism. “green” fascist

Bushy eyebrows and air almost gruff, Van der Bellen has been for over ten years, the face of the Austrian Greens, which under his leadership became the fourth of the country’s political education. His whole campaign was addressed to win the votes of the center, in an attempt to reassure the liberal-bourgeois strata of the Austrian company is not a “leftist” in disguise.

Now the note released “foolishness journalistic” no questions about why he surprisingly won a green who left the Social Democrats, but on why the extreme right has come within an ace by the majority. The historical forgetfulness of journalists is proportional to their spasmodic desire to storyteller the reader with fake suspense, news and mysteries.
Right in a democracy, since there has always been the reaction all’insensatezza rhetoric of the left. The nazifascismi were invented and installed as a response to unrealistic exaggeration of the left.

On the left he has always abounded the myth of the will and aspirations, and the short supply of realism and health. For the Socialists, Democrats, religious hierarchies – contrary words and rhetoric aside – the wars and the abuse of polluting technologies have never been not a problem. The false concept, hypocritical and demented why the technologies would be neutral and therefore their use depends only on its users, in contrast to the more sinister constant historical evidence, so the opportunity (technology) makes the thief (technological) . The higher the efficiency of the weapons, the greater the number of innocent victims, as demonstrated unprecedented wars and genocides of the last 200 years.

Instead of the medical technology and health outcome is being unprecedented. Possible that ethics and politics fail to promote health and discourage weapons? Yet by chemical weapons and the atomic bomb to date, we have over a century of global conferences at the highest level for the limitation of mass destruction and disarmament weapons.

Unique historic achievement was the invention of “weapons of mass distraction” that the democratic Socialist practical and popular, has become the highest political effort to replace the “destruction” with “distraction.” The entire capitalist civilization, with the social democratic offensive “cream” from “property as theft” is passed to the “property as scam”. It has gone – thanks to the human nature out of hunger and lack of affection in the fall – from the exploitation of arms and labor, the exploitation of credulity and selfishness.

What the socialists are liberals is proportional to ‘evolving iT statistical science, which retrieves the boom of discomfort, loneliness and poisoning is therefore encouraged. Lacking in ideological essential dimension of the Social Democrats ‘measure’, which can not come from think ideological or social find, all self-respect to rules insurmountable and socially taboo “nature”. That is why environmentalism is overcoming and subduing socialism, democratism, the populism. Van der Bellen is then vilified as “green” fascist, just because it alludes to the measure in arbitrage liberal and egalitarian human conflicts, both right in biological and environmental laws needs.

Very simple. The issue of migration is solved by integrating the new immigrants with needed strict rules and careful to life, and not the vagaries egotiche, trendy and radical chic, with which the fake democracy stole the consent of citizens in developed countries, because of this today decline. The Democratic race for the consensus did not encourage democracy, but he invented the corrupt market, mafia, corporate, real substance of the “feel-good” face less and less credible and workable in reality.

Europe has become a democracy of media stories of a whole virtual political game, where left and right are the names of sports factions degenerate and rigged, where the real sport has nothing to do. But if Europe is crying, the United States does not laugh, with a presidential race that sees again – as in England – the return of Sanders and Labour maximalists, who can not “hit” none of the concepts central to exit the crisis. The solution to all know each other, as shown by the world conference on climate, waste, hunger and social diseases, but no one encourages natural scientific studies to inform the technologies towards sustainability, and give concreteness to the cards inflated human rights, more and more “cards” and less. “credible”

the same upper echelons of enlightened think-tank, are affected by the nineteenth-century ideological settings, Machiavellian and self-referential. The “builders” do not understand that “builders” of consummate frontier, must return to be “shepherds” of souls, “guardians” of the regeneration of an Arcadia.

The intelligence products are exceeding materials products, democracy must be restored correspondingly. It must be broken the alliance undifferentiated among all capitalism and all their social democratic servants of the economic and political marketing. The cross-division collusive right / left will inexorably replaced over time by a more sincere realistic vertical axis between green liberals and socialists laggards.

Compared to the green right / left appear horizontal, cross-cutting but also against the false alternation . In fact with the Austrian result we see a defeat of the popular center-right and center-left Social Democrats.

We hope that this lesson of the Austrian vote servant, not only to Europe and the United States, to understand that the the changes and momentous disorders, the escape of the sinister in doing good and lax impractical socialists and strong powers, leads only to an equally unmanageable populist authoritarianism of the right.

the myth of European unity is dying out in his myths fat, including bureaucracies wasteful and impractical, abstract principles all talkers that on TV give sick to the real poor and weak.
Only a renewed “mass care” to “pull a living” the multitude of the disadvantaged, can renew the democratic customs and the Socialist insensitivity towards peace and the unity of the West and of the planet, much more needed than today.

Only the rules of nature, environment and human, can be tailored to the scientific egalitarian standards calibrated on the concept of “life” organic, unique “green” tool for a more evolved conflict mediation accentuated by technologies without moral criticism.

Toto called the death ” ‘na level”. But is life to be the level that matters in politics. The first democracy is health, farsighted guardian of nature that regenerates, for everyone is the civilizational challenge that biological evolution imposes to humanity.

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