Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Digital Europe, a yard and so many fights is the battle of mobile phones and … – The Republic

The continent is taking its first steps at reduced speed, but the ambitions are high: there is to digitize the 75% economy. The transaction may be worth an additional GDP of 415 billion a year. Sixteen operating sector. The news for businesses, media, networks and Pa

next Wednesday the European Council of Ministers will launch two new products: the portability across Europe of subscriptions to pay TV and a first dismantling of the blocks that prevent EU citizens to shop online on portals in other Member States. And ‘the launch of the Digital Single Market, the European digital single market that the Commission led by Jean-Claude Juncker has launched last year and which aims to create 415 billion euro per year in additional EU GDP. An ambitious plan that touches all the vital points of the economy, from the ultra-broadband abolition of roaming of mobile phones.

VAT for European tendering procedures for contracts, from Pa to justice. We have to unify and harmonize standards, bureaucracies, documents. And as always it happens in the Union, everything is moving slowly. Also because there are three steps before a reform effectively becomes operational. The first is that the EU Commission investigates the matter and draft a proposal which already take account of objections, oppositions and distinctions of the various member countries. This proposal will then have to be adopted by Council and Parliament to arrive at the final launch. “As a Commission we are on schedule and we are on schedule – explains Lucilla Sioli, head of unit at DG Connect, which under the leadership of the Director General Roberto Viola oversees Communications, Networks and Technology – last December we published the proposal on the portability

digital content. on May 25, the first e-commerce package that will also address the issue of cross-border online shopping and consumer non-discrimination based on nationality expeditions, residence and IP address. also on 25 is foreseen an revision of the Directive on audiovisual. After the summer, the time of a second package on copyright and the revision of the regulatory framework of telecommunications. Today, the debate also goes beyond the agenda 2020 because we start talking about “Giga Society “, ie connections above 1 giga and 5G mobile networks, within which you will have to reflect on the allocations of frequencies for new applications. Like for instance the unmanned car, which must operate to the same standards even when changing from one country to another. “A complicated scenario, where it is easy to get lost in the details and difficult to understand what is at stake. We try to sum up.

pay TV. the objective is to allow a subscriber, for example, Italian to see the contents of your subscription in another country, say England. an English user that same game the pay of more because the auction for the rights was more competitive. How to solve the problem without creating a market of rights to which everyone buys the games where he wants, which would destroy the value of the richest markets? it gives portability but just to see the video content on their mobile devices, and for a given time. How? a week or more? this is where you will start to discuss. the big pay tv defend their investments, and then fear that portability can be an advantage for Netflix today must operate entering each market.

Audivisivo. Here are at stake to European rules on advertising. Insiders say it will be an existing photograph. The Italian Sponsored roofs, for example, will not be touched: no risk from this point of view for Mediaset. Thornier the issue of the production quotas where France wants the adoption at European level of his system that rewards domestic productions. Topic that is listening in Spain and Italy, while it is little heard in the north and east of the Union where the original production is scarce. The free movement of digital media is expected to grow by 12% year market.

Frequency TV. By June 2017, governments will have to decide when the 700 MHz band will switch from TV to mobile phones, which will use it for the cover 5G, the next-generation ultra-broadband, in non-urban areas. It will serve, for example, to manage the car without pilot along highways. Here braking is especially Italy where the digital terrestrial broadcasters, then Mediaset and Rai, but the others are pressing to free them as late as possible. Also because the frequencies were purchased and have therefore also an asset.

Banda Ultrawide. The European Digital Agenda targets for 2020 are known: a 100 mega connections half of the population and at least 30 for the other. But already has all’orizzionte the goal of a jig for each user.

Roaming. This summer, the surcharge for calls or receiving mobile phone calls abroad will drop again. It should go away in a year. In this sector, Italy was among the countries that has been moving more decisively in favor of abolition, while France, Spain and Germany have opposed more resistance. And ‘the case that best lends itself to explain the times afar Union needed to make operational decisions: “In order to harmonize 28 different markets must overcome barriers and parochialism – said Innocenzo Genna, a consultant to European policy, former president of the European internet providers and now stationed in Brussels – to the abolition of the formal European roaming on mobile phones it took ten years since the obiettivorientra in a process initiated by the Commission in 2006. “

E -commerce. the package being discussed Wednesday is the first step to open the continental sector starting to dent the geoblocking (the mechanism by which a consumer today can not buy on the online portal of another country. it is identified by nationality, residency and your IP address). Here the opposition are not so much by the countries as by large multinational consumer goods that have different price policies by country. The EU has calculated that if European families could make their purchases online marketplace for the best price, regardless of the country, would save 11.7 billion euro a year. The current framework does not even help small businesses: only 7% sell online outside of the country of origin. Maybe already next Wednesday, or else with the second package e-commerce that will be launched later this year, will aim to abolish the differences in prices of delivery of online purchases between domestic and foreign prices.

Fintech revolution. is the new frontier at the intersection of finance and technology. By 2020, 30% of transactions will be no more cash.

Smartcity. A study by Frost & amp; Sullivan just out notes that Europe is ahead of all on ‘ automation of the city, including technological solutions and level of investment, and estimated that the sector will be able to attract resources for 16 billion over the next four years. Europe will quintuple over the next three years the installed smart meters, smart meters that are the foundation of the smart grid, the next-generation networks that will be the lynchpin of the progressive liberation of energy needs from fossil fuels towards renewable.

Open date. From “data economy” will create an industry expected to grow by 40% a year for at least five years. It is a goal that fundamentally concerns the public sector which should make all of its clear and readable information throughout the Union. So: rules to make digital identity and digital signatures are valid throughout the EU. electronic exchange of social security information of all European citizens. On e-government to be recorded facing the singular case of the German late. Germany, which is the benchmark in terms of connections, Internet use and integration of digital technologies in enterprises, is here in the bottom of the EU ranking (centralized states in this are at an advantage compared to those federal as the Bundesrepublik).

Building. For companies digitization means to have the same ease of action in Europe at home. Look at these innovations. Interoperability of business registers. Harmonizing rules on e-justice: a company today has more difficulty to resort to justice abroad because they are different standards, references, legal culture. The EU harmonization will also intervene to heal the Italian case: we are bottom of the table for the time of resolution of disputes on contracts. Registration and VAT payments in European format to facilitate contracts between businesses and Pa “foreign” Union. In 2017 will reach the single European catalog of standards of TLC systems to facilitate the participation of enterprises in the procurement of non-home countries (and from e-procurement for the public sector the Juncker plan expects savings to 50 billion per year) .

Work. it is estimated that 2020 will be opened in Europe 825000-skills positions to the most varied levels. In 2017 it should open the portal to the European Job Mobility. However there are still guidelines for the educational system, from school to university, to adapt to new standards of competence. In 2013 it set up the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, but has not yet given big signs of self.


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