Saturday, April 23, 2016

Jobs Act one year on: results and perspectives –

About 1,252,176 new fixed-term employment relationships
 permanent in 2015, 1.159 million are having enjoyed exemption
 contributory. The increase in stable employment in
 the first two months of 2015 is attributable to the only economic incentive,
 while the increase occurred in the following months on the
 transformations of apprenticeship ratios in term contracts
 indeterminate, where the economic incentive is not applied, is tied
 mainly the new regulations. From the second

 quarter of 2016 onwards it is expected that the increase in recruitment in
 indefinitely occurred in 2015 is consolidated and probably
 experience some slight increase further as a result of

As for the age, it seems that all
 classes have benefited by the increase, except the 15-24 class,
  whose employment rate remains unchanged.

If you
 looks instead to employed and self-employed, there has been a
 small earthquake: the data on new employees (+ 300 thousand) is the result
 nearly half a million employees in more, and almost
 autonomous 150 thousand less. This change marks a trend of our
  productive fabric to align, for the latter aspect, to those
 the major Western countries, where there is a percentage of
 lower self-employed compared to ours.

“The Jobs Act Reform – says Stefania Radoccia , law and accounting firm partners Ey – > has worked on several fronts allowing greater flexibility to businesses in the management of the employment relationship, not only in the process of constitution but also functionally and finally on that output. the data are positive: the reform has generated an increase in jobs and record, in January 2016, over 300 thousand employees in the previous year. Despite the jobs act, however, the data on youth unemployment remains unchanged, mainly due to the lack of a service of educational and vocational guidance in step with the new times, and a self-referential system. This can only be overcome by ensuring that schools provide young people with a basic level of qualifications and skills before entering the world of work. Always in youth employment, necessary to strengthen the services and skills for the job and other intermediaries to enhance their ability to meet the needs of the application. You should also introduce a system of incentives aimed at encouraging paths of entrepreneurial and business development, focused on technological innovation and the territorial and sectoral peculiarities. “


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