Friday, March 20, 2015

Via 8th May in Rome to the Master of political journalism … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published March 19, 2015 at 13:43.

To form an information professional political and economic, with innovative multimedia skills in the field of public information and political-parliamentary, able to deal with the technological innovations that have revolutionized the media, imposing new rules and a different organization of work. It is the goal of the sixth Master of Journalism political-economic and multimedia information, which will start on May 8 in Rome, organized by the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore in collaboration with the editors of the main Italian financial daily. A faculty of excellence, represented by journalists from the newspaper, Radio 24, the, joined numerous testimonies of professionals of the largest national and international media groups, major institutions and politics. For the purposes of continuing vocational training the master is accredited by the National Council of the Order of Journalists and 8 credits are recognized.

“The great speed with which change scenarios economic and political – emphasizes Roberto Napolitano, director of Sole 24 Ore, in the presentation of the master – the new technologies, the expectations of readers and all citizens are imposing to the publishing world uanrapida and thorough review in order to produce and deliver information. ” For the director of Il Sole 24 Ore today “serve journalists can follow the reasons politia economic, to penetrate the secrets of a budget of a local authority or a large public company, to perceive the implications of common interest in the activities of authority and regulatory bodies. ”

“We want to teach – explains Fabrizio Forquet, vicesirettore Sole 24 Ore and director of the master – to young graduates and young professionals the secret information of the Sole 24 Ore. Give them the ability to follow the laws in their training and to explain its content being careful what really interests the reader. Teaching to look beyond the polemics of politics, to go to the actual content, what we can change the lives of millions of Italians. ”

The route includes a frequency of four or six days per month (Friday and Saturday twice a month), for eight months, for a total of 37 days of lessons. Between a classroom session and subsequent sessions are provided for distance learning (277 hours of lectures and 135 hours of online training). Many laboratories provided, from writing for print media communication radifonica, the multimedia lab in collaboration with The financial agency with Thomson Financial. Also provided operational sessions on TV and web-TV.



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