Wednesday, March 4, 2015

“L’Espresso” all new, from tomorrow on newsstands – Il Tirreno

ROME. An important birthday. It is one of “L’Espresso” which performs sixty years and is renewed. The first issue of the magazine, in the unforgettable format “sheet”, appeared on the newsstands with the date of 2 October 1955. And from tomorrow presents readers with a new formula: a restyling, but also a rethinking editorial that interprets the formula the news magazine in the Internet age.

“In the pages of L’Espresso is the history of our country – says the director Luigi Proximity – A story that continues on newsstands as on the web with our website» . And if there is also the tradition of renewal in the background, just the pace of innovation is an opportunity to change the magazine Espresso Group: “Change we have tested a larger flipping colors (now red on white background, ed ), agganciandoci in part to that of sixty years ago when the only colors were white and black – explains Proximity -. Change the flip through, with a newspaper in two parts. ” And it is the layout of a new strongest of the new “L’Espresso”: “The first part of the paper proposes the hard news , then there is a watershed represented by the photographic record followed by the second block, a field of grace where there are cultures, from the humanities to the technological and scientific. The second part of the paper is different because it is characterized by blue. A section where laws, read more and relax, “says the director Closeness.

” L’Espresso “recorded, according to official data of Audipress, very significant growth in the second half of 2014, with a more than 6.5% and 1.665 million readers between paper and digital still increasing the gap with the competition.

The investigations exclusive (like the one on the list Falciani), the complaints, the characters, the story of the Italian and international are the ingredients that guarantee to “L’Espresso” to continue in the footsteps of these sixty ‘years of publishing history but also, and above all, to deal with force present and future: “Our newspaper, in his new role, tackles topics without the classic distinction that separated the facts by category. In an age where information is behind us on the phone, tablet or even on the screens of a metro station, the task of a weekly as “L’Espresso” is to bring order to this flow ensures a reading outside the cages, “says still Proximity.

On Friday 13, then, with “L’Espresso” twelve books, one a week, that reconstruct five-year periods in the history of the newspaper. It starts with the economic boom from 1955 until 2014 and the birth of the new poor.



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