Saturday, October 26, 2013

Google and the mystery hangar no. 3 data center will float in the ... - The Messenger

There is a mysterious hangar in the San Francisco Bay Area that could revolutionize the history of the web. There is talk of server , the enormous energy they consume and the need to cool them.

Google is planning where to keep barges their data centers in the ocean? A is Cnet wondering. To understand the magnitude of the news (not yet confirmed) you can think of that 2% of the total consumption of electricity in the United States in recent years has been “eaten” by the Data Center, the data centers of the giants of the web , Google Yahoo, Facebook, those centers that collect billions in training and have raised much attention NSA, the National Security Agency at the center of the scandal Date Gate.

Or you can think of in like a ship in international waters containing billions of data can not be subject to the law on security of the United States, those rules that have led the NSA to obtain information from web giants. There is talk of a patent for a period of five years to build bases offshore where contain the data center.

CNET speculates that Big G is in some way connected with the mysterious building number 3 in Treasure Island San Francisco Bay. A building that appears to be the basis for a barge to house a data center float. Two weeks ago, in the meantime, a building very similar was towed on a barge in the harbor of Portland, Maine. On Wednesday, the Portland Herald speculated that the barge may have something to do with the patent for a floating data center.

The Google Patent filed in 2008 describes a data center on a ship perpetually powered by ocean currents: it uses sea water to cool the servers. According Daniel Terdiman of CNET “Google’s fingerprints are everywhere.” The area was placed under a high level of surveillance, but it is the satellite imagery offered by Google to unveil something.

Jonathan Koomey, Stanford researcher and expert in data center says anything is possible: the problem of salt water as a source of cooling would easily surmountable. The hangar is placed under a strict surveillance. As told the reporter Cnet intimate entrance a sign: “You are entering a secure building. Please leave smart phone, camera phone, video camera, and or other audio / video devices. “
Laura.bogliolo @

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