Monday, October 21, 2013

Even the Neanderthals laundered - TGCOM

Into 17:15 – Recycling is a gesture of modern civilization? The studies say no. Apparently, even the man of Neandethal reused waste reconverting them. At least according to international studies in which he participated also John Boschian , Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pisa.

Already the Neanderthals laundered prehistoric Gestures – Our Paleolithic ancestors used to recycle everyday objects. The trials were presented in Tel Aviv during a conference which saw the participation of fifty anthropologists and paleontologists from around the world.

Boschian explains: “We have clues that already 300 thousand years ago the Neanderthals had the practice of reuse tools previously discarded.’s men gave to these objects a new form and a new job, so that this can be considered as the initiators of the practice of recycling. “

Professor Boschian conducted his research Castel di Guido, an archaeological site in Rome, dating from about 320-270 thousand years ago. The peculiarity of this place is the presence of bifacial tools called because of their shape, not only in stone, but also in bone elephant.

The expert points out: “The study of the objects found it turns out that Castel di Guido they were often reused after some time, or that once were broken recycled for other purposes. “

Re-thinking the object – Boschian specification:” Recycling itself is understood as being used for purposes completely new objects discarded after a previous use. This involves rethinking and redesigning the new use and in some cases modify the initial shape of the object, with an operation involving advanced mental abilities , in particular the ability of forecasting and planning, discernible in certain processing techniques that seem to have been aimed at obtaining objects that could be reused in the future. “

John Boschian
University of Pisa
Castel di Guido
man neanderthal

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