Monday, July 22, 2013

Wi-Fi in the rooms, riecco obligations. A rule deletes the ... - The Republic

New procedures for operators that offer Wi-Fi services. Are provided in an amendment to the Decree of Making yesterday approved the relevant committee in the House. “It ‘s the end of the promised changes” ALESSANDRO LONGO

Wi-Fi in the rooms, riecco obligations. A rule deletes the liberalization
OBLIGATIONS ever seen and technically “impossible” for anyone who offers Wi-Fi to the public. It ‘s so that the government launches a front behind the promise of liberalization Wi-Fi, because of an amendment to the Decree-Making-approved by the Commission for Transport, Post and Telecommunications. A lot of criticism from experts and insiders, at this time, and now the only hope is that the amendment be modified before approval in the House. Otherwise, goodbye free Wi-Fi: The standard wants to oblige the manager-a shop, a restaurant, a hotel-to trace the user’s connection with technical measures complicated and very expensive. The risk is that Italy face a rev erse gear on Wi-Fi. They close many of the existing public access points and sometimes even free. A disaster, in short, where the Palazzo Chigi had submitted the original standard Wi-Fi Decree of Making as the “liberalization of the Wi-Fi” at last removed from the obligations which had slowed the spread in Italy.

But already the normally contained a lot of problems and even – despite the intention of the legislature – could be interpreted as a step backwards compared to the previous situation, in terms of freedom of use of Wi-Fi. Think so, the Privacy, in a very critical note against the decree, “Reintroduces the monitoring and recording of data,” the same as set by Pisanu and then lapsed when he realized the damage they were causing to spread of public Wi-Fi in Italy.

The reason is that the decree establishes the unprecedented requirement for the operator, “to track certain information relating to access to the network (such as the so-called ‘physical address ‘terminal, the so-called MAC address). ” There is also a listing of illegality because these data “as opposed to what is claimed in the standard, are – according to the European Directive on privacy and the Privacy Code – personal data, as it is often identified with the user who is connected to Internet, “says the Guarantor. That’s why “hopes the deletion of the standard and the exploration of these issues in the context of a measure not of an urgent character.”

So what does the amendment? On the one hand tries to solve these problems related to privacy, writing that “The processing of personal data necessary to ensure traceability of the link referred to in paragraph 1 shall be made without consent, not ifies rendered with simplified procedures referred to in ‘Article 13, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196, and does not involve the obligation to notify the treatment of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data “. On the other exacerbates the traceability provisions, thus eliminating all traces of liberalization. The amendment begins by saying that “when it constitutes the principal business activity of the service provider, the provision of Internet access to the public via WIFI technology does not require the personal identification of users.” A step that was also in the original text, and that has little relevance, given that the identification requirements have lapsed with the Pisanu. The novelty is later: “The obligation of the operator to ensure the traceability of the connection through the temporary assignment of an IP address and the maintenance of a computerized register of the consortium that IP address to the MAC address of the terminal used for access to the Internet. “

One thing very complicated,” it should install and manage a dedicated server (“syslog”), made safe, to bind the address to the MAC address that identifies your device ” , explains Stefano Quintarelli (Choice Civica), noted expert on the internet. Another problem: when users connect to a Wi-Fi network, normally receive an IP on the internal network “but does not provide any information and is not used for tracing the connection. Then we should require the operator to provide a public IP, but in the world are practically exhausted, “he continues. The hope is that this very short inapplicability of the standard technical requirements to see her again.

Quintarelli himself had tabled an amendment to the decree, like other parliamentary internet experts (including Antonio Palmieri, the PDL). The Communications department of Economic Development had written an amendment that the experts considered reasonable. But at the end of it all has not gone at all, in the Commission. The adopted amendment is in fact the result of mediation in the Commission and the Communications department

is very critical to the final result.

The ball is now in the hands of the House. The controversy is strong, but we need to see if there will be time to intervene in the text on Wi-Fi, which will probably end up in a maxi amendment before the conversion of the decree of Making law.

Twitter AlessLongo

decree of doing,
mac address,
computer security

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