Thursday, January 2, 2014

Apple denies: "No backdoor on the iPhone" - Zeus News

iphone nsa1 backdoor

There is also

Apple among the companies cited by the German weekly Der Spiegel as “collaborators” of the NSA.

These companies, which would have allowed the agency to enter the U.S. backdoor on their products, providing access and the ability to spy on users.

The situation is particularly complicated because Apple a researcher who deals with computer security, Jacob Applebaum, said last Chaos Communication Congress (held in Hamburg at the end of December) that since 2008, the NSA would have access to iOS to spy on users iPhone.Thanks to the program

Dropoutjeep the NSA would be able to get the emails, text messages and voice messages, but also get information about the location and activate the microphone and camera.

According to Applebaum

the only way in which the NSA would have been able to obtain a control so complete on the iPhone is that Apple itself has cooperated, although the possibility that the Agency has exploited a flaw in the iPhone first generation ( namely the market in 2008) can not be completely excluded. For its part, the Cupertino company rejects any accusation of complicity in a statement Apple said that they had never had to deal with the NSA to install a backdoor on your iPhone.

“Apple has never cooperated with the NSA to create a backdoor on any of our products, including the iPhone. In addition, we are not aware of this program that would allow the NSA to spy on our products. We very much care about the privacy and security of our users’ the company said.

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