Saturday, June 29, 2013

The genome is the oldest of a horse -

Into The discovery was made by a group of Danish scientists who were able to map the DNA of a horse lived 700,000 years ago

Some Przewalski horses © AFP

Some Przewalski horses © AFP

Into Ottawa, June 2013 – Traced by a group of Danish scientists the oldest map of the DNA ever obtained. The genome belongs to a horse lived about 700,000 years ago, whose bones were discovered in the Yukon, northern Canada, trapped in the layer of permafrost.

The work, published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature, has shed light on the evolution of horses and you have a group coordinated by Eske Willerslev and Ludovic Orlando University of Copenhagen.

The researchers compared the DNA of prehistoric horse with the map of the DNA of another old horse, which dates back to 43,000 years ago, and the maps of the genome of animals belonging to six races
contemporary equine, including the Przewalski horse and a donkey. From this came the genus Equus, which gave rise to all the horses contemporaries, and donkeys and zebras, originated about four million years ago, twice as long as previously thought.

The research also reveals that the Przewalski horse about 50,000 years ago has differentiated their genes than traced in modern horse breeds, which makes it the only direct descendant of the prehistoric horses.

” The importance of work goes beyond having shed light on the evolution of horses” point in a commentary in Nature Craig Millar, University ‘of New Zealand Auckland and David Lambert Australia’s Griffith University. The research, detect the two experts,” shows that the DNA can ‘have a longer survival than imagined and this’ suggests that it could also study the DNA of the oldest hominid that could shed light on the evolution of man” .

Into June 28, 2013


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