Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Laser Italian hunting for pollutants in the sky of Beijing -

Into Laser atmospheric Italian hunting for pollutants in the sky over Beijing after the first prototype were ordered these days other lasers called Lidar (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) born Italian-Chinese agreement between the National Consortium for Physical Sciences of Matter (CNISM) and the Institute for Research in Beijing Telemetry (Brit).
signed two years ago, the agreement provides to design and implement an optical radar (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging, LIDAR) to be installed in China for the control of dust and pollutants in the atmosphere. To realize the project was the research group coordinated by Nicola Spinelli, University Federico II of Naples, while building one of the main components of th e Lidar, the laser source, the company is Bright Solutions of Pavia.

Into “Unlike the traditional radar that sends microwaves bouncing off an object and allow you to locate the LIDAR uses pulses of light,” said the president of the CNISM, Ezio Puppin. “These impulses – he continued – are fired from a ground-based laser source into the atmosphere, where the particles to be monitored reflect light, which is then captured by a telescope below.”
By measuring the characteristics of light reflected from dust, pollutants, sand, ash, it has the identikit of the particles present in the atmosphere, instead of measuring the travel time of the pulses is possible to trace the height at which the particles are located. The laser, said Puppin, can also be used in the field of meteorology to control the speed of the winds and can also monitor the ashes of volcanic eruptions.

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