Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Google: Garanti EU, glasses 'Glass' respect privacy citizen - Press Agency Reuters

(ASCA) – Rome, June 18 – What information Google collects through the” Glass”, the famous glasses in reality ‘increased? Who agrees with them? How will you use them? How do you ensure compliance with the privacy laws? How do you think Google to solve the problematic aspect of the collection of information of people who, unbeknownst to them, are shooting”” and”” recorded by the Glass? These are just some of the issues that the Authorities’ data protection on different continents gathered in GPEN (Global Privacy Enforcement Network), they put pen to paper in a letter sent to the multinational California on the development of Google Glass, a technology being trialled linked electronic data processing, in the form of wearable glasses that includes a micro-camera, a microphone and a GPS device with Internet access. The authorities ‘for privacy, including the Guarantor Ita lian,” have expressed concern about the impact that privacy can’ derive from the use of Google Glass and strong concerns about the possible future use of facial recognition systems”” . The Authorities ‘have therefore asked the company”’ a timely reply on the privacy implications related to the development of this new technology and the measures it intends to take to ensure compliance with privacy in all countries of the world.” Google and ‘was invited to a comparison, through meetings and demonstrations on the use of” super” glasses. Despite the need for more ‘tried and proven” that privacy is an integral part of the design of every product and service prior to launch, no Authority’ data protection ‘was felt by the multinational and the only information available to the Guarantors, derive in large part by the media or by publicizing the work of the same device” to Google. ” The new technologies have always been connoted by the binomial” opportunita’-risk” – says Antonello Soro, president of the Data Protection Commissioner – but of course the Google Glass us to expect great dangers to privacy. Anyone who finish within visual range of the wearer of these glasses – continues Soro – might, it and ‘knowledge, be photographed, filmed, and recognized once had access to your data around the web, identified in his tastes, his opinions , in his life choices. His life would be somehow removed from the to finish in micro or revived memories of the glasses on the net. There are already ‘rules prohibiting the online publication of personal data without the consent of those concerned. But faced with these tools, laws are not enough: you need a leap of awareness on the part of the Internet service providers, software developers, and users. And ‘essential now able to globally promote an ethical use of new technologies.” com / rus

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