Monday, June 24, 2013

Google Glass used for the free time during surgical operation -

Rafael Grossmann, an American doctor at Eastern Maine Medical Center, recently performed his first surgery wearing the famous multimedia glasses of Google, the Google Glass.

Into google-glass-surgery

Into “Performing this action documenting it with these glasses I wanted to show that this device and its platform are certainly intuitive tools that have great potential in the health sector, and in particular for the surgery, as this may allow for better consultation during a ‘operation, the surgical mentoring and education in remote, in a very simple way, “says Grossmann.

Into Grossmann then stated that the surgery with glasses google was not open to the public but only to a restricted circle and that the patient was informed and gave consent to full practice.

Into addition Grossmann made sure that no information that would allow identification of the patient from the operating room could escape through the ether. The transaction is in fact occurred endoscopically, and the patient’s face was never shown.

Grossmann has also used an iPad, which was located nearby, which showed images in live-streaming thanks to its Google Glass.

Into “I managed to not only show the abdomen of the patient, but also the endoscopic view, in a very clever, simple and inexpensive. I think there should be a way to play files directly to the endoscopic view through Google Glass (My friend @ Julianmb, even a Google Explorer, and his team of experts @ Droiders are working on that!), But this was a “Poor Man’s” set “, writes Grossmann.

Into Now Grossmann would like to extend the practice to other types of operations, such as the heart, when people connected to the meeting (Google Hangout) could observe a live beating heart in an open-heart surgery. This would bring down the costs of training for new surgeons, who could observe the techniques used by their teachers to thousands of kilometers from the site of the operation.

Into Here is the post of surgeon on his blog (in English).

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