Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Turn Instagram for: advertising - Reuters

Into Within a year you will also Instagram advertising. The CEO and co-founder Kevin Systrom has accepted this revolution for his creation – the social network where you share photos and video – on Facebook thrust of the parent.

Into no coincidence that work on the project is precisely the operational director Emily White, 35 years old, rampant manager to which the number one social network Mark Zuckerberg has given a mandate to make profitable the company bought in April 2012 for about a billion dollars.

Into “We want to win in the long term, we do not have deadlines in the short term,” White said, explaining that with the timing choice you want to make metabolize the course change to 150 million users.

Into Just in White was responsi ble for the creation of a marketing structure that Instagram previously did not have. She and her team are studying advertising tools less invasive, so as not to scare users accustomed to an app from the simple operation, elegant style and with no promotional messages. White would also expressed doubts on the traditional banner linking to the websites of retailers.

Into the meantime, something already moving in this direction. Levi Strauss has launched a campaign dedicated to Instagram. Were loaded on a train cameras to automatically load on Instagram photographs and video of a number of musicians on board the train and traveling to the major cities of America.

??(TMNews )

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