Sunday, September 22, 2013

There is life on Mars or not? Deepens the mystery after the latest data ... - Il Sole 24 Ore

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Into This entry was posted on 22 September 2013 at 16:34.

Into there is life on Mars or not? Thickens the mystery after the latest data of Curiosity - Video We’re not talking about water, but the methane. Than in the past, motorbike past, Mars had liquid water on the surface is now an absolute certainty: signs of rivers and streams flowing, lakes, erosion of rocks by liquid flowing impetuously, was found throughout including plaster, without H2O, not just form.

Into this time it’s the methane that makes you the headache and not NASA scientists. Composed of carbon and hydrogen is abundant in the solar system. Even Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, is covered. It may be of natural origin, due to geological phenomena, and then it’s fine no problem, but can be created by living beings. Many famous German cows that pollute more than cars with their methane produced naturally. Mars will look more modestly that produced by bacteria which, in 2003, he thought he had found. Of different satellites orbit around Mars for years, he had found a number of “feathers” of methane in the atmosphere kept very clear of that planet on which we now reaffirm their opinion that the researchers then had explained to the scientific community .

Into Now Curiositiy for a year and spends it in Gale Crater, 150 km wide and seemingly ideal place for its geological history, to find traces of methane. Well Curiosity has found nothing, although in his body from the huge SUV Martian guard Sam, a very sophisticated set of tools with which he sniffed the air and analyzed rocks.
So what? And other measurements have to wait, but at this point will be in the same area where the rover landed in August, 2012, whether they come our, that in this case we are Europeans.

Into The ExoMars mission, which sees the massive participation of scientists and Italian industries in 2016 and 2018 and then twice again analyze soil and atmosphere of Mars with even more refined tools. It is hoped to bring a little ‘light on these contradictory results that they are not giving me a few headaches for scientists: in 2003 there seemed to be methane, now seems to have disappeared.
In short, the wondrous mission of NASA’s Curiosity, which many positive results has already given us, on this key issue seems to get confused and throw gasoline, since methane is not there, the fire of the debate.



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