Friday, June 6, 2014

The technological innovations in the context of biogas – WelfareNetwork

Remona. “In the area that produces biogas plants there is nothing definite and final. But this is nice, because engineers and mechanics are encouraged to invent new technologies. ” Claudio Fabbri, a researcher at the CRPA (Animal Production Research Centre) in Reggio Emilia, is one of the leading experts in the field and will be among the speakers at the conference “The maintenance and optimization of biogas plants.”

technological innovations destined for biogas plants are not confined to those of the latest generation

“To increase its profitability – says Fabbri – the farmer or the farmer who decided to build a biogas plant in his company must go searching for the best technological innovation. And the market today offers interesting opportunities. For example, the harvester can be applied to an accessory capable of making use of the corn cob, ie the axis of the cob on which are inserted the grains. In Piedmont, thanks to an agreement signed with the cereal, this accessory has already been mounted on various combines with excellent results. There are also companies that are working on the evaporation of the digestate systems with low energy consumption, others involved in the use of ultrasound that make it more digestible substrates of biomass (see press release filed on February 14, ed) , and others who make the load modules for those semi-liquid and semi-solid materials that would not otherwise be unable to properly load the digester.

The type of system to be implemented not be separated from a proper training of the entrepreneur

Just think, for example, to poultry manure but also to cattle manure which can not be treated with respect the dry matter silage or sorghum. As you can see we are faced with a world, in terms of technology, in constant development that does not look only to newly constructed plants. Even for those already in operation proposals out there, such as the installation of a second load line that allows you to run two separate lines of maize or other crops dedicated and effluent or other types of products. “

The current incentives will have to be reformulated to encourage investment in the construction of biogas plants

According Fabbri’s reasoning, however, before you invest in innovative machinery we need to invest in training “because only through it – reflected – every farmer will be able to understand what is the system that responds to the potential of the company. After the big boom for 1 MW of installed capacity thanks to the incentives that were established in the past, today’s orientation is decidedly geared towards small installations with respect to which, however, I should be reformulated better incentives, especially if you want push farmers to invest. In this regard, I hope for a great research by manufacturers to build plants to get more and more reliable. And my call is addressed to the Italian companies, which have to move fast before, once again, the Germans overwhelmingly conquer our market as has happened in the past. “

Source: CremonaFiere


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