Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sexting and cyberbullisimo for young people - Mobile Magazine

Luke Figini February 10, 2014

Are you guys

10 Italians admit to having exchanged hot pictures on the web He says the project “For a secure web”, on the occasion of Safer Internet Day , from Moige Movement (Italian parents) who took advantage of the collaboration of Google Italian, Cisco, TrendMicro and Police Post and Communications. Now in its third year, the initiative has the main objective to raise awareness in more than 40 thousand people, including school children secondary schools, parents, grandparents and teachers, on a proper use and network manager.

And the results of the study indicated that there is still much needed information and culture positive for the use of connectivity technologies and sharing risks and to avoid unpleasant surprises. Also because the Web has become a familiar territory to the young: nearly 9 out of 10 children (87, 8%) surf the net daily , 18% of respondents say to spend on the net more than 3 hours a day of these, 5 of 10 (50.5%) were aged 11 to 13 years. Are about 8% of the children who connect to the Internet for more than five hours and have less than 10 years. Alarming rates determined in the age groups: children aged 6 to 10 years old who enjoy the network without the presence of the parent are 31.2%, even 7 out of 10 (72.5%) for the class from 11 to 13 years old, until you get to almost all the guys in the band that provides from 14 to 20 (8 out of 10 boys are priv the direct control of an adult).

Again, only 10% of the sample connects to study and do research, all other motivations refer to aspects recreational how to talk in chat (24%), listening to music , look at pictures and sometimes illegal activities how to download movies and music. 5% said they preferred the Internet to exit with friends and 16% say they connect to distract from unpleasant emotions. The Internet has become a “place” of meeting : 26% of respondents use it to start new friendships, 15% of boys report having an equal number of “friends” on the Internet than in the real world and as much as 8% say owning more in the world of the Web

Relationships affective , born on the network, representing 9% of young people, percentage rises to 16% for the 14-20 band. As for the suggestion that the computer arouses against children, 37% of respondents said that they often or always spends time in front of PCs without their noticing it 21% looks forward to the time when you can connect to the Internet and 24% of boys said that he could not remain quiet If you can not sail for a day. The social network are widely used: 6 out of 10 (61%) of the boys interviewed said that a herd. Facebook is the master: Nearly 9 out of 10 guys choose it.

In the diffusion of these methods of knowledge and socialization problems arise. 14% of respondents met the people I met on the Internet and 13% of teenagers between 14 and 20 years has swapped her phone number with strangers contacted through chat. 6 out of 10 teenagers have no problem in the state of having fun in the receive or send photos or video “hot” (a practice known as “sexting ” English “sex” – sex – and “texting” – sending messages virtual). Senders are especially friends (38.6%), while the partners represent a smaller share of just over 27%, and fewer still are unknown (22, 7%) who send material embarrassing.

The sexting may also facilitate the spread of bullying in the network, said cyberbullying , thanks to which nudity or explicit sex can make Around the Web without control , in procuring unfortunate “protagonists” strong and constant humiliation . 6 out of 10 teenagers belonging to the 14-20 age group, at least one time, they used to take photos or videos tour one (1 of 5 states to do so often).

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