Monday, June 1, 2015

“You can win,” immuno-oncology against cancer –

A new book tells the stories of nine men and seven women have won their fight against cancer with immunotherapy. Minister Lorenzin: “It is essential to ensure that all patients care more and more innovative”

In their own words the fear and despair at diagnosis. But without ever losing the strength to rise up to the possibility of benefiting from the advantages of the medical and scientific progress. These are the stories of nine men and seven women who fought their fight against cancer in the book “You can win”, presented Saturday at the 51st Congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), taking place in Chicago until June 2, the most important event in the industry worldwide. Today these people are living with the disease with a good quality of life, and some of them can be said to have finally conquered.

“The data, figures and findings – wrote the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, in the preface book – tell us that the fight against this disease, in part already defeated, can score points on a daily basis in favor of those who fought. This volume collects the precious testimonies of patients treated with a new weapon, immunotherapy. Their words convey to us courage, strength and, above all, hope. It is essential to ensure that all patients care more and more innovative research provides. Aspire to high standards of prevention and treatment is not only an ambition of technological and scientific progress but also of civilization and democracy. Address the issue of health means tackling the expectations and hopes of millions of patients, empathize with their daily inconveniences and defend their quality of life. “

” The volume – said prof. Carmine Pinto, national president of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM) – is part of a broad campaign of our scientific society sull’immuno-oncology, it realized with the support of Bristol-Myers Squibb. The book is divided into two parts. In the first we have analyzed the evolution of cancer treatment in recent decades, responding to questions about how they have changed the treatment, up to deepen the new phase opened dall’immuno-oncology, which stimulates the immune system to fight cancer cells and that It is able to increase survival expectations. We are facing an important new oncology of the third millennium. This is why in the second half we collected significant evidence of patients treated with the new drugs, men and women who, in some cases, living with the disease for many years with a good quality of life. A goal, this, very important, already achieved in other diseases such as HIV infection. “

” You can win “(ed. Guerini, pp.170, by Mauro Boldrini, Sabrina Smerrieri Paul Cabra) will be in bookstores by September and the sales proceeds are donated to the Foundation AIOM.


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