Friday, June 19, 2015

Praised be You ‘, Professor Gambino: “Criticism in technology when used … – TSize

“The encyclical speaks to all people who inhabit the earth, not just those of good will , which like it or not are part of human society, and it’s a very important novelty. Then there is a critical technique and technologies for their own sake if not related to culture and promotion of the human person. Encyclical on time, but realistic and dramatic, recalling humanity to a step change in the behavior and relationships “.

This comment Professor Alberto Gambino , Director of the Department of Human Sciences at the European University of Rome and Scientific Director of TSize , host of the TV of the CEI ( edition of June 18 tgtg – Newscasts compared “).

 Gambino tgtg to 18 June 2015 ” The Pope – said Gambino – calls us to a change of behaviors and lifestyles, otherwise the risk that our children do not see the world as we have known us is very real. And it is a message addressed not only to believers. It must be discerned, with intelligence, with respect to the media bombardment on ecological issues: There is a wonderful expression that affects: noise dispersive information . In it the Pope evokes a context in which the city, immersed in the scenario of internet and communications technologically advanced, is the victim of a barrage of ideas, opinions and points of view that are dispersed and do not allow to create a calm judgment, wise. Here then is the document of rare communicative effectiveness and full of content and surveys on the state of health of the planet, it proves decisive in the perception that today actually, on environmental issues, we are faced with a historic transition and facing the danger of arriving to a point of no return “.

” There is a criticism of the finance, economy and especially solutions to lost after the crisis, when it would have to find a balance that did not favor only part of solution, speaking very briefly the banks, but also favored the entire population. We’re not talking about a conflict banks against people, but solutions that in practice favored elite and that has resulted in partial choices, we could say disconnected from the good and the public interest. It is confirmed then a reading where the man, the person is a value, a wealth in itself, the engine of development and therefore there are more people on the planet and there is more chance of development “.

“But – and it’s an underscore important – what people are talking about, than it squanders, speculates and tramples human rights? If so then it would be a false anthropocentrism: put man at the center and the person is to have an idea and a clear anthropological practice of correct behavior, otherwise you would end up rotating around the man ‘consumerist’ the future of planet and its probable self-destruction “.

” Even the critical technology – Gambino says – is aimed at its eradication from the content and purpose of being an instrument of cultural and humanitarian support to the growth of peoples and not his selfish use and end in itself. Even the digital environment, the ecosystem, but also the living environment, the urban fabric of major cities, has increasingly bind to being and not having, and what transpires from a style and behavior imbued with sobriety and reflection, leading to create living conditions and physical and technological infrastructure in harmony with the physical and spiritual health of the citizens of the world “.

In his encyclical Francesco spares fact incisors steps on technologies and their use. In paragraph 47, it reads: “Add to this the dynamics of the media and the digital world, which, when they become ubiquitous, do not favor the development of a capacity to live with wisdom, to think deeply, to love generously. The great sages of the past, in this context, would run the risk of seeing stifled their wisdom in the noise-dispersive information. This will require an effort to ensure that these resources will translate into a new cultural development of mankind and not in a deterioration of its wealth deeper “.

” The true wisdom, the result of reflection, of dialogue and of ‘meeting between generous people – continues the encyclical – not acquired by a mere accumulation of data that eventually saturate and confused, in a kind of mental pollution. At the same time, the real relationships with others, with all the challenges that imply, tend to be replaced by a type of communication mediated by Internet. This allows you to select or delete relations according to our will, and so it often generates a new type of artificial emotions, which have more to do with devices and screens than with people and nature. The current means allow us to communicate among ourselves and we share knowledge and affection. However, sometimes even prevent us from making direct contact with the anguish, with the tremor, with the joy of the other and with the complexity of his personal experience. Therefore it should not surprise that, together with the overwhelming offer these products, go crescendo deep and melancholic dissatisfaction in relationships, or a harmful isolation “.

Going in paragraphs 102, 103 and 104 then we read: “Humanity has entered a new era in which the power of technology puts us at a crossroads. We are the heirs of two centuries of huge waves of change: the steam engine, the railroad, the telegraph, electricity, the automobile, the airplane, the chemical industry, modern medicine, computer science and more recently The digital revolution, robotics, biotechnology and nanotechnology. It is right to rejoice for these advances and excited in front of the wide possibilities that we open these novelties “, because, quoting the Address to the representatives of science, culture and senior studies at the University of the United Nations held by John Paul II in Hiroshima in February 1981, “Science and technology are a wonderful product of human creativity that is a gift of God.”

“The transformation of nature for purposes of utility – continues the encyclical – is a feature of the human race from its beginnings, and thus the technique, “citing here the encyclical Caritas in veritate Benedict XVI , “expresses the inner tension that impels him gradually to overcome to the material limitations.”

“The technology – continues – has remedied many ills that plagued and limited the ‘human being. We can not appreciate and give thanks for the progress achieved, especially in medicine, engineering and communications. And how can we recognize all the efforts of many scientists and engineers who have developed alternatives for sustainable development? Techno-science, well-oriented, is able not only to produce things really valuable to improve the quality of life of the human being, since the objects of domestic use to large vehicles, bridges, buildings, public spaces . It is also able to produce beautiful and to make the human being, in the material world, the “jump” in the field of beauty. You can not deny the beauty of an airplane, or some skyscrapers? There are precious paintings and music obtained through the use of new technical tools. Thus, the desire for beauty and craftsman who contemplates that beauty takes the leap to a certain fullness properly human. However we can not ignore that nuclear energy, biotechnology, information technology, knowledge of our own DNA and other capabilities that we have acquired we offer a tremendous power. Indeed, damage to those who hold the knowledge and especially the economic power to exploit a domain impressive on the whole human race and the whole world. Mankind has never had so much power over herself and no guarantee that it will use well, especially considering the way in which he is serving. Just remember the atomic bombs dropped in the middle of the twentieth century, as the largest deployment of technology flaunted by Nazism, communism and other totalitarian regimes at the service of the extermination of millions of people, not to mention that now the war has tools more and more deadly. In whose hands is and what it can achieve so much power? It’s terribly risky that it resides in a small part of humanity. “

The point 105 includes citations of Das Ende der Neuzeit Romano Guardini : “We tend to believe that” every purchasing power is just progress, increase safety, utility, well-being, vitality, fullness of values, “as if reality, the good and the truth sbocciassero spontaneously from the power itself technology and the economy. The fact is that “modern man was not educated in the proper use of power”, because the immense technological growth has not been accompanied by the development of the human being with regard to responsibility, values ​​and conscience. Every age tend to develop poor self-awareness of his own limitations. It is therefore possible that today humanity does not feel the seriousness of the challenges it faces, and “the man’s ability to use its power of evil is growing” when “there are no rules of freedom, but only claims need for utilities and security. ” The human being is not fully autonomous. His freedom is sick when you surrender to the blind forces of the unconscious, of the immediate needs, selfishness, brutal violence. In this sense, it is naked and exposed before his own power that continues to grow, without having the tools to control it. Capacity mechanisms superficial, but we can say that it lacks adequate solid ethics, a culture and a spirituality that really give a limit and contain it within a polished self-control “.

June 19, 2015


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