Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jobs Act, CGIL: “Remotely control are coup. Now give … – The Daily


“On control in the distance we coup”. And ‘again tough battle between Cgil and government on Jobs Act , with the national secretary Serena Sorrentino , who spoke of “the point of heavy setback “compared to the Statute of workers to describe the changes introduced by the decrees of the labor reform. “Not only we will battle in Parliament, but” we will check with the guarantee privacy if it can allow “added Sorrentino.

breaking point with the government, as I said, it came with the review of the regulation of remote controls of employees, which has in fact changed the Articles of Association of the workers. The decree simplifications, in fact, allows the remote control without the need for a union agreement ad hoc. The employer will be able to access data and conversations even on the personal devices of the employee, if he uses for work. The employee surprised to use them for non-business purposes will risk disciplinary action. Also expected the green light to the control of the movement.

“It’s never been said in the decree ‘simplifications’ would enter the standard on the remote control of the workers,” added Serena Sorrentino. To hear the national secretary of the CGIL, also, in any court Italian “you can invoke the recommendation that strict ranges of any kind of control actions to the employee , the collection and use of all their personal information. ” The new status of workers, assured Sorrentino, “will be the occasion in which the protection beyond the provisions of Law 300 that will defend because so far has been effective also the implications arising from the protection of the privacy than technological changes “.

Before the CGIL, complained had been Uil . “It is not clear why, once again, the deregulation should be done for the benefit of only one company, leaving workers without protection that only negotiation can the secure . We will act in the appropriate forums to ask for the change of this measure, “he said William Loy . According to the secretary confederal “the case of remote control of the workers, from the use they make of the new technology tools , is now effectively regulated by the contracting company or industry.” And for this reason “the union notes that the modernity and new technologies can bring about changes in the relations between the parties”. That said, “you do not understand, though, because, again, this deregulation to take place for the benefit of only one company, leaving workers without protection that only negotiation can ensure the”.

On the same wavelength also Cisl . “This aspect is not good. We’ll listen to the Parliamentary Committees “said secretary general Annamaria Furlan in an interview with Rainews24. “This norm – he added – must be changed and it is through the trading in the workplace, the first bargaining proximity that you have to manage these aspects so delicate for the life of a worker and a worker , but also for the company. “



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