News for those who find it hard to lie down for an exam such as MRI: did the G Scan Brio, a jewel of Italian technology produced by the equally Italian Esaote. Operating from a few days at the D-LAB (DiagnosticLab) of Bologna, one of the few in the world to have this revolutionary macchinariom, it is a new technique that allows you to make tests in orthostatic position, or standing. Thanks to the special ergonomic bed for easy positioning and a high comfort of the patient during the examination, provides a better assessment of the diseases caused by mechanical instability and gives an important additional diagnostic capabilities compared to conventional MRIs. Furthermore, being virtually “fully open”, even those who suffer from claustrophobia may make the medical examination throughout tranquillità.chi has perhaps aches, ailments or difficulties and struggles to lie down now, thanks to an absolute technological excellence Italian, may face a challenging exam such as MRI without having to lie down, with benefits also for the accuracy of the medical examination.
POTENTIAL ‘- E’ the same Professor Giuseppe Monetti (Scientific Director of the Center D-LAB and radiologist) to illustrate the enormous potential of this revolutionary technique: “Municipalities existing MRI systems allow the study of joints only in the supine position. Instead, with the ability to rotate the magnet, G-Scan Brio is one of the first systems in the world that allows for the study of the patient in orthostatic position under physiological load – said prof., Which continues – this allows further diagnostic prospects and offers a new perspective in the study of diseases in which the load is critical nell’accentuazione diseases themselves. Thanks to the wide range of available sequences with G-Scan Brio, our center is now able to cover all requirements with absolute effectiveness of diagnostic type joint. “
elastosonography – The search, thanks to the introduction of innovative MRI is one of the main activities covered by the mission of D-Lab. Besides the great news of Kent G Scan Brio, the center of Emilia has introduced among its specialties also use the system Elastosonography, whose technology allows the integration of the Ultrasonography (commonly called ultrasound) with a dedicated software. Through a wide range of colors is possible:
1. Carry out a detailed assessment on the elasticity of the tissues such as muscles, tendons and cartilage;
2. Assess in advance the muscle tendon injury;
3. Evaluate precisely a recovery of the muscle post-injury.
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