Thursday, June 11, 2015

Jobs Act, the government doubled parental leave. Assumptions reorganization … – The Republic

The Council of Ministers ‘has finally approved two decrees’ delegation of the jobs act ‘which had already’ done its passage through Parliament and then will enter into force immediately. “Reconciliation of time living and working” and “organic framework of employment contracts and the revision of regulations on duties” are the titles of the two legislative decrees implemented. This was announced by Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti. Four other decrees have been approved in advance. The CDM has introduced a “resettlement allowance” for unemployed for two years. Poletti also announced that it was not dealt with the issue of the minimum wage.

Leave, time of life / work. It ‘was then given the final okay to stretch the time to take leave Optional parental raising it from 3 to 6 years and 8 to 12 years respectively for the child paid at 30% and for the self-employed, the duration of which is still 6 months. Also it is reduced from fifteen to five days the period of notice to the employer. Including the ability to ‘transform’ parental leave in part-time to 50%.

Agency only for inspections. “is the Agency is established Labour Inspectorate” Poletti told a news conference. “To make more rational” combating illegal, he said. The new body will integrate the inspectorate of the Ministry of Labour, INPS and INAIL. It will streamline the network on the island and it will also determine the level of staff movements. The transaction would also lead to savings in terms of public spending.

Layoffs, you change. In the decree on the reorganization of the legislation on social security benefits, which will now go to ‘ examination of the Parliament, it is expected, the minister said “the so-called bonus-malus rule: a reduction of 10 percent of the amount of the contribution to fixed business has been replaced by an additional contribution increased due to the length of the tool to discourage use inconsistent “. The maximum duration of unemployment benefits is set at 24 months, which can go up to 36 months with the use of solidarity.
Access to cash will be extended, for a fee, to firms from 6 to 15 employees, with different rates payroll.

National Employment Agency. will be set up the National Agency for the active employment policies, owned by the State, autonomous regions and provinces, supervised by the Ministry of Labour . It also provides for the involvement of the social partners in the definition of broad lines of action of the new agency, which will have management skills in the field of employment services, active policies and ASPI.

remote controls. Rationalisation and simplification of procedures and red tape relating to employment, with particular regard to blank resignations and Durc. Everything going for the digital channels, which will have space even in terms of remote controls (by the way we talk about the possibility for employers to monitor the use of technological devices, such as tablets and smartphones, available to employees) .

Just projects. On the reorganization of the forms of contract is expected to exceed the project collaboration contracts in 2016 and the association in participation. It focuses on employment, which is extended to current collaborations but are “purely personal”, continuous and they see the direct organization of the time and place of work. Voucher for the annual cap increased from 5,000 to 7,000 euro. About these duties, it is expected that, in cases of restructuring or reorganization of the company will change the worker’s duties also on the lower level of classification, without changing the salary, except for the accessory.

Padoan: ok dl local authorities. The Council of Ministers has approved the decree on local government that “allows you to reallocate resources to the regions and local authorities and to loosen the bonds of municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities compared the Internal Stability Pact “, said Minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan at the end of the CDM. Padoan added that “the municipalities will contribute 100 million in 2015-16″ and stressed that the measures do not provide “a greater burden of Fianza public, then it remains in compliance with the Stability Pact”.


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