Riccardo Cappato, cardiologist at the Humanitas in Milan is the father of Emblem, the subcutaneous defibrillator new generation that the American Boston Scientific will present on June 23 in Milan
(Photo: Corbis Images)
The latest in cardiology Implantable set to improve the lives of patients and cut costs for health care of the whole world speaks Italian. Emblem and it is called the subcutaneous defibrillator new generation that will be presented next June 23 in Milan as part of the Congress Ehra-Europace. Emblem, developed by the American company Boston Scientific, has actually a very Italian father, cardiologist Riccardo Cappato, current Head of the Research Center Clinical Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology at the IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas in Milan.
The beauty the system is that its plant in the chest of paziende, is estremanente minimally invasive because it is placed under the skin and does not require you to enter in the veins of the heart, thus reducing, time, risks and costs, without losing the therapeutic efficacy. The search Cappato started from a very simple statement: needed to simplify . “I began to work specifically on the project between May and September of 2000,” he explains cardilogo “The first step was to develop a diagnostic algorithm that could” compensate “the distance between the source of the problems, in my heart, and the point where the disease was detected “.
founded a startup , in three years Cappato has developed a technology to be offered on the global market. “The company has grown rapidly,” said Cappato which has developed the defibrillator in conjunction with the Dr. Gust H. Bardy “and we went from the original group of eight to 120 people, but it took nine more years to get to a technological development rush. “
” The first clinical tests have been very positive, “continued the doctor,” to show that the algorithm used for the subcutaneous defibrillator was adequate and studies have shown that subcutaneous therapy is safe for patients, something that should be a priority for any medical technology. “
The first European plant was made Humanitas and was a crucial turning point. “Patients had clearly explained what it was: a new technology, and they had fully understood the experimental nature of these early systems and were extremely cooperative” recalls Cappato.
“The initial dream” confesses Cappato , “was actually that of a pair of glasses can protect from sudden cardiac death . This obviously was not possible, and Dr. Bardy and I then thought of a device with a form very similar to that of a shoehorn, to be inserted with a single incision in the patient, creating a sort of ‘pocket’ suitable to receive, capable to adapt to the anatomical needs. “
Cappato does not hide his sodisfazione:” I think the subcutaneous implantable defibrillator meets the expectations of the medical profession who wanted to return to simpler procedures that would lead to the lowest risk to the patient . This was achieved by simply placing the device and catheters, outside the heart. In this sense I can say that the mission is accomplished and that what seemed impossible years ago but today it is available to doctors and patients and will help to save many more lives . “
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