Rome, June 25 (Askanews) – About 107,000 hiring of temporary workers, awards for ‘Professor’ deserving, new powers of the principal who can call ‘directly’ teachers to teach in their schools, school bonus and student card. These key points of the ‘good school’ coming out with a vote of confidence from the Senate to arrive on July 7 the House for final reading before becoming law. That’s all there is to know about the measure:
1. SCHOOL AUTONOMY. The reform creates school autonomy by giving more instruments to the school authorities to ask for and manage human resources, technology and finance. The schools will have an enhanced organic, the organic autonomy, to cover teacher vacancy and meet the new educational needs, organizational and planning: schools may indicate to the State the need for teachers and tools to implement their plans offer training that are three-year and are processed by the teachers, based on the guidelines defined by the head teacher. The last word to approve ‘POF’ it is up to the District Council of the Institute, where there are also families and, in high school, students. The elementary schools will have the task of strengthening English, music and physical education. Middle schools will enhance the study of foreign languages and environmental education. The school will strengthen the teaching of non-language subjects in a foreign language (Clil) and logical-mathematical skills. But also the history of art, intercultural education.
2. ASSUNZIONI.- Via a special plan of about 107,000 hiring of temporary workers which also includes about 6,500 winners of the last competition and appropriate, that of 2012. All will be hired for next September but only the first 52,000 positions in Gae (lists are exhausted) will have the right to choose teacher vacancy and available seats on turnover and can teach immediately. The other 48 thousand of which belong to the organic expansion will be distributed to the regions to 90% in the number of students and 10% according to early school leaving, the presence of foreign students, to inland areas, island and mountain areas, to low population density. It is a limit to the recurrence of forward contracts: you can not go beyond 36 months (which are calculated as of September 1, 2016) although not continuous to avoid the creation of new sources of temporary workers and comply with EU regulations. Regarding the stages of recruitment are structured as follows: the winners and the competition’s reserve in 2012 and enrolled in the lists are exhausted shall be made by 15 September 2015, within the limit of vacancies and available in organic law; all others, and the competition’s winners of 2012 and enrolled in the lists are exhausted, that are not in the first tranche are hired, legally effective as at 1 September 2015, within the limit of vacancies and available in organic law that remain and in the limit of seats enhancement. But the economic effect of the employment contract follows the service socket at the headquarters assigned.
3. concorsone OTHER FOR 60 THOUSAND PEOPLE. By 1 December 2015 will be issued by the Ministry of Education to ban the new competition with approximately 60,000 capacity venue for many temporary teachers. There will be no ‘share’ reserved for the temporary second-and third-tier, but will be evaluated as an addition the service provided in the school that will score.
4. EVALUATION AND MERIT OF PROF. Teachers will be assessed by a special commission that sees increased from 2 to 3 the number of teachers, including two chosen by the faculty and one from the school board. Also added is an external component identified by the regional school between teachers, school administrators and technical managers. The Committee shall be three school years, is chaired by the head teacher and teachers in addition to the three is made up of two representatives of the parents, the kindergarten and the first cycle of education; a student representative and a representative of the parents, for the second cycle of education, chosen by the school board. It will set up a fund of 200 million a year for the promotion of merit of the teaching staff. The distribution to schools will take account of the territories with the most critical educational. Each year, the school administrator will assign the funds to teachers taking into account the established criteria, based on national guidelines, by a special evaluation unit inside the school which also includes parents and students. The enactment of guidelines for assessing the award of teachers is planned by 2018.
5. SUPER DEAN. Principals become educational leaders: will promote the National Plan for Education, choose the geographical areas for the school year 2016/17 teachers considered for curriculum and experiences best suited to the educational plan of their school. Principals will make public, through the site of their school, all information related to the tasks entrusted. With the reform to speed all the teachers of the school will be chosen by the school head who will appoint up to 10 percent of its employees and teachers as part of his team. The principal will also award the supply teachers teachers staffing autonomy up to 10 days.
6. EVALUATION OF PRESIDI. E ‘was introduced a rule on the evaluation of school managers that will be monitored every three years by external inspectors. Among the criteria for evaluating principals the pursuit of results for the improvement of the education service, the management and organizational skills, and commitment to the enhancement of professional merits, the appreciation of their work within the community, on the contribution to the success students and school management.
7. STOP CLASSES ‘POLLAIO’. Reducing the number of pupils and students per class it can be ordered by the head teacher also in relation to the training needs of students with disabilities. It is also clarified that the head teacher can use the teachers in classes of competition other than those for which they are authorized, provided that possess academic qualifications for teaching discipline and training and professional skills consistent with the lessons to impart and provided they are not available in the territorial qualified teachers in those classes of competition.
8. SCHOOL FEES MATCHING BONUSES AND DEDUCTION. With the school bonus, those who make donations to schools for the construction of new buildings, for maintenance, for the promotion of projects dedicated to the employability of the students, will have a tax benefit (tax credit to 65%) when tax return. There is also a cap on donations: the costs are in fact allowed as a deduction within the limit of the maximum amount of EUR 100,000 for each tax year. Take also the deductibility of expenses incurred by families (up to 400 € a year) when children attend a private school.
9. CARD TO UPDATE TEACHER AND STUDENT CARD – The reform also introduces an electronic card for updating and teacher training. It is a voucher of 500 euro per year to be used for professional development through the purchase of books, texts, digital tools, course registration, the entrance to exhibitions and cultural events. In-service training becomes mandatory and is provided for the first time an allocation structure 40 million euro per year. It is expected, then, the expansion of student card to enable access to programs relating to goods and services of a cultural nature, in services for national and international mobility, assistive technology for the study of nature and to purchase school supplies, as well as the ability to associate additional functionality for payment instruments through electronic purse.
10 ALTERNATION SCHOOL-WORK. The technical and vocational schools offer students at least 400 hours in the last three years of activities in the company or at public facilities that may be held during suspension of teaching activities: In high schools the hours of school-work will be at least 200 . The reform also provides for the strengthening of higher technical colleges, to attend after graduation, which are an alternative to university studies.
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