Friday, June 19, 2015

Remote controls on workers, here are the technologies used – TGCOM

– The decree implementing the Jobs Act amended Article 4 of the Statute of workers. The change concerns the allocation workers tools (phones, tablets and PCs), which can lead to a remote control of the employee. He ‘a “spying Big Brother”, thundered the CGIL. To go into that we interviewed Stefano Zanero, assistant professor at the Politecnico di Milano. “We will use MDM solutions,” says Zanero.

Controls remote workers, these are the technologies usable

The expert of information security we asked some questions to understand how companies will be able to implement these control modes.

Zanero starts with a premise: “I think the decree intends to recognize what we already did before, the law is updated to modern technology in terms of safety Labour and prevention of danger. If “I” company I provide a tool to the employee, such as a PC, and it uses it to download illegal material, it makes me legitimately in danger. The data on the form used to the employee will be accessible ex post to the judicial authorities, to protect the worker and the company in the event of investigations “.

What kind of technological means exist to develop this activity?
is not invasive means, companies can use solutions MDM (Mobile Device Management) for remote control through log files, a navigation log.

In particular, with regard to smartphones, there will be special app?
The smartphones are already equipped with these tools, the controls will be carried out only after the event and allow a trace in case of legal problems. There are no special app to be installed, the phones already include these functions.

There are solutions on companies large numbers?
MDM tools are used by companies large because they have a cost. I believe that the small and medium businesses is unlikely to apply these devices.

Where do these technologies?
These management solutions are normally used, They not necessarily come from the military, rather are investigating private. However, these technologies usually applied, but remind us of the intelligence service.

There is the danger that may arise cases similar to those of the NSA (National Security Agency)? What
NSA has been an abuse of a different scope. Potentially there may be abuse, might be a side effect, but the litigation is not new. What is illegal, it remains illegal.

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Jobs Act
Remote Control

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