Every year in Italy are 1,500 new cases of pediatric diabetes type 1 and the incidence is growing. L ‘ Association of Diabetics States Varese, as part of an event which was attended by over 30 young patients and their families, presented 10 simple rules to help children maintain good control sugar in the blood, drafted in collaboration with experts from the Children’s clinic at the Hospital of the University of Insubria Del Ponte . The technology is evolving to meet the therapeutic needs of young people with diabetes, as demonstrated by the new insulin pump-patch “children friendly”: no leads, more discreet, easy to use and test swim in the pool.
“Do not be afraid to tell your friends that you have diabetes and explain what it is; keep in the pocket of sugar cubes or candy in case of hypoglycemia; Always do the breakfast and remember to eat one or two fruits every day; practice well the sting of insulin (not in a hurry!). ”
These are some of the recommendations contained in the handbook for the proper management of type 1 diabetes in children , compiled Diabetics Association States Varese (ADIUVARE profit organization), together with experts from the Paediatric Clinic university Varese with the aim of fostering a greater capacity for self-control of the disease by the child. The 10 golden rules, you think just from the perspective of empowerment of young patients, were presented today during the meeting “ Art & amp; Nature. A Villa Panza diabetic children protagonists “. The initiative, promoted by ADIUVARE in collaboration with the FAI at Villa Panza and the FAI delegation of Varese, with the patronage of the Hospital and Fondazione Macchi Circle, University of Insubria and the unconditional contribution of Ypsomed, was attended by over 30 children with type 1 diabetes and their families.
A Varese, in the splendid setting of Villa Panza , while younger guests, led by the operators of the Italian Environmental Fund, went to discover some of the works of art in the Villa, the parents were able to follow a course of study and get the latest updates therapeutic diabetes type 1. At the event also nineteen volleyball champion Alice Degradi, player of the UNITING YAMAMAY of Busto Arsizio and type 1 diabetic, who explained to the children how to combine therapy and physical activity, because diabetes should not be seen as a limit to the passion for the sport.
“Today’s initiative confirms the commitment of our Association in addressing the problems of the world diabetes with special attention to children, young people and their families,” said Alessandro Pascucci, President of ADIUVARE . “The Decalogue meet one of our most important goals: to ensure constant diabetic therapeutic education and, in the case of pediatric patients, to parents, providing them with appropriate psychological support, for the child to achieve and maintain a good self-control of their condition. In this regard, we regularly organize various training events targeted at under-18, as the field school that this year we plan in July. ”
Just in childhood, the incidence of type 1 diabetes recorded an annual increase of 3%. So the technology is evolving to respond more effectively to the therapeutic needs of this patient population. “In Italy there are 300,000 people with type 1 diabetes: of these, 20,000 have less than 18 years; Varese to come to terms with the disease 35 children, in the Province are about 400; every year all over the country are diagnosed 1,500 new pediatric cases, “he explained Alexander Salvatoni, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Insubria, Varese Hospital Filippo del Ponte. “Today, technological innovation, with tools increasingly accurate and minimally invasive measurement of blood glucose and insulin, is facilitating a better metabolic control in young diabetics, while respecting their pace of life. The main changes include: subcutaneous sensors that are programmed by the physician, suggest the correct dose of insulin and insulin pumps new generation, as the patch pump without catheters. Insulin pumps are too traditional “visible” because of the tube that, taking insulin from the reservoir to the infusion site, may protrude from the shirt, get caught, tear, restrict movement and create problems. They can often also form air bubbles inside the tube, making sure that the doses of insulin are not the right ones, resulting in hyperglycemia. The device of the latest generation, with set infusivo built, have the advantage of being more discreet and easier to use, are in short ‘children friendly’. “
In addition to the help provided by modern technology, the meeting of Varese has also placed emphasis on measures that the same patients may put in place to improve their glycemic parameters, the power and quality of life. The dietitian Claudia Maffoni presented the results of a project to test the carbohydrate count as an effective tool in allowing the patient to adapt insulin therapy to eating behavior, without perceiving prohibitions and neglecting their preferences. “The carbohydrate counting has been taught to patients between 8 and 18 years with type 1 diabetes and their parents, through participation in an intensive course held during a weekend,” explained Maffoni. “The methodology has proven effective, because patients who have used it, to 18 months from the course, have not shown a deterioration of the value of glycated hemoglobin, unlike those who does not employ such a technique; Moreover, among those who had learned how to perform the calculation of carbohydrate, showed a significant improvement in glycated hemoglobin, in eating habits and body composition. “
Today’s initiative, made possible thanks to the contribution of Ypsomed and unconditional hospitality of the FAI at Villa Panza and the FAI delegation of Varese, marks the beginning of a project in stages, which soon see new appointments in other Italian regions. “The goal – says Peter Georg Haag, CEO of Ypsomed Italy , partner and volunteer FAI -will always to make known to diabetic children some wonderful examples of Italian artistic and natural heritage and, at the time itself, provide parents with expert advice for proper management of diabetes in children, while respecting the quality of life of young patients. “
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