A Empoli comes Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs. The delegation Fisar Empoli was born a few weeks ago and is housed in the offices of ASEV, Development Agency Empoli Val d’Elsa, in the Fiascaie. The goal of the association is to promote and enhance the wine culture through the promotion of activities of professional qualification of the figure of the sommelier.
The Commissioner is Fabio Baths, sommelier for 10 years, in the last 3 Commissioner of the delegation Fisar of Montecarlo (Lucca), who explains: “The Empoli Valdelsa area is very attractive for wine, so our task is to enhance what is already there. There are great products that cost little, to be exploited. We organized a mini-course to be held in July, in the five Thursday of the month. Five appointments to the five senses: for every lesson we approach the wine with a different sense. August 4, moreover, there will be in the Empoli ‘Goblets of Stars’. Since September 14 we’ll have our first training course for sommelier with qualified teachers to ensure their professionalism. “
” This is an initiative that was lacking in Empoli. It is important because it contributes to the gradual raising of the quality in the food sector and catering, “said Titian Cini, director of ASEV.
” The City of Empoli has welcomed the proposal because Fabio Bathrooms He responded to a need Empoli Valdelsa. Our area is expressing small excellences: the white dell’Empolese will be added soon in the consortium of Chianti, “said Antonio Ponzo Pellegrini, agriculture commissioner and productive activities of the City of Empoli.
DELEGATION FISAR EMPOLI – The delegation F.I.S.A.R. Empoli was born on the initiative of the City of Empoli, the Union of Municipalities Empolese-Valdelsa, and – above all – Commissioner Fabio Bagni, who already played this role in another Delegation in Tuscany.
The first contact that FISAR Environment was had with a course of approach to wine that the Federation organized two years ago with members COOP on the premises of “Centro * Empoli”. The 35 available seats were sold out immediately, and the secretariat of the members was forced to divert different requirements at other locations. On that occasion the municipalities showed a great interest in promoting a culture of quality in the field of food and wine; but the Federation was not ready to respond fully to these requirements, because the delegations of Florence, Siena and Pontedera were too far apart to start a profitable speech penetration and development in the area.
From here the idea of Delegation FISAR Empoli. The Union itself has provided space and facilities where to start and carry out activities, at the headquarters of the Empoli ASEV and also at the complex “I Lecci” Montespertoli. In the future it could open possibilities for starting fruitful relations with the Professional Institute “Enriques” Castelfiorentino. The town of Empoli, finally, has already affected the wine bars of the city, which would see the establishment of the Delegation enthusiastically.
Promotion initial part, the Delegation FISAR dell’Empolese – Valdelsa is already working for the ‘organization of meetings, courses approach to wine and sommelier, and mini-courses, one of which is already established and operational. It is also already provided for the organization of the first level course for sommeliers, which will begin on September 14 and will be held at the premises of ASEV by way of Fiascaie, in Empoli. Registration is already open.
WHAT ‘THE FISAR – The association is a non-profit organization and its main purpose is to disseminate and promote the wine culture through the promotion of activities of professional qualification the figure of Sommelier as part of the traditional gastronomy and wine tourism nationally and internationally. Fisar performs all the cultural, educational and publishing aimed at spreading knowledge of wine both in Italy and abroad through the promotion and organization of courses for the professional training of Sommeliers and teaching staff; promotion of recreational and cultural circles concerning wine and gastronomy; collaboration with manufacturers, operators and the specialized press of the sector; promotion of surveys, research and studies on food and wine; the organization and participation in conferences, events and initiatives, both national and international, which have as their object the dissemination and utilization of food and wine; the promotion of all initiatives considered useful to achieve the purpose of the association, either directly or in collaboration with other public and / or private. The association is independent of political parties and the trade unions, however, do not deprive themselves of the right to make proposals at any level for more professional protection of its members.
WHO IS THE SOMMELIER – The Sommelier is a figure of expert to speak to the news on the characteristics of the wines and the pairings. Therefore, he must be able to respond with competence to request such information. As this is a subject very wide and constantly evolving, he has the duty to constantly enrich their knowledge and keep abreast of all the technological innovations wine. It becomes Sommelier Fisar attending the special training course organized by one of the delegations FISAR and positively overcoming a final exam.
HOW TO BECOME A SOMMELIER – The sommelier (professional or enthusiasts) is an expert on the world of wine . And ‘able to taste a wine and to break it down into its components, he knows the characteristics of the grape varieties and production methods in Italy and around the world, knows the theory of pairing food and wine, and is able to apply it to accompany any type of meal. Since this is a material very vast and ever-changing, the sommelier has a duty to constantly enrich their knowledge and keep abreast of all the news enotecnologiche, travel, taste and stay informed on the subject.
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- Fabio bathrooms, Commissioner Delegation Fisar Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- The press conference for the Birth Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- Antonio Ponzo Pellegrini, agriculture commissioner and productive activities of the City of Empoli ( gonews.it photo)
- Titian Cini, director dell’Asev (photo gonews.it)
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- Giorgio Bimbi, the Delegation of Montecarlo Fisar (photo gonews.it)
- Massimo Marchi, National Council of Fisar
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
- The press conference for the birth of Fisar, Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers Restaurateurs, in Empoli (photo gonews.it)
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