Monday, June 22, 2015

And ‘the day of the “Brain of.” “It will be a maximum of 5 subjects” – Ottopagine

Avellino .

After Malala and Tacitus, and a long weekend to go over comes the Brain of. Traces easy for the first two writings. In both cases, the ministry has chosen tracks with at least a subject very familiar to digital natives. The theme most gettonato the absolute – with 51 percent of options – was the short essay / newspaper article to the technological-scientific: “The development of science and technology of the electronics and information technology has transformed the world of communication, which today is dominated by the connectivity. These rapid and profound changes offer great opportunities but also raise critical reflections “.


Ten open-ended questions on five subjects of the whole program and a more limited time to respond. Difficult to respond well in all ten. These days the students tried to come back to the best program for a full year. But today will rely in any case to the patron saint. This year around the third round had also created another alarm. And that is that the third round was to encompass five compulsory subjects for which this committee is a commissioner. The ministry ensures there will be “no surprises”. Brain of the UK because, if the commission were to opt for multiple choice questions or open-ended, “not must involve five subjects, as leaked on some newspapers, but up to a maximum of five, according to the Ministerial Decree No. # 429 of 2000 “. “The third round – conclude from Viale Trastevere – has been designed by the Board of Examiners on the basis of the document that has been defined by 15 May of each class council”.

The last act of the examinations It will talk chequest’anno see the novelty of Clil: exposure by the candidate of a subject of a non-language in English or another foreign language. A faculty that for this first time is reserved only for the internal members.




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