Monday, June 15, 2015

Are you wearing? A video game – L’Espresso

Cos & # x2019; are you wearing? & # x2028; A video game

The console video games have long found their place in the living room, but it’s time for another step forward. At E3, the world fair of video games scheduled Los Angeles 16 to 18 June, will officially open the era of virtual and augmented reality, to switch ‘indirect experience of the game worlds for a true sensory immersion in them. The revolution is announced epochal because Announces the end of TV as a dominant medium for the home entertainment, and start forms of immersive interactive narrative that today but tomorrow will expand to more traditional cinema and fiction .

The lion’s share will Oculus , the company created by the twenty-two Palmer Luckey and bought by Facebook for $ 2 billion, to be presented for the last time his helmet before ‘ coming to market in early 2016 (at an estimated price around 500 euro).

 After the conference scheduled on June 11 to San Francisco , the exhibition will show some content available at launch, key ingredient to ensure the success of any new hardware. The immersion of the user in the virtual environment is a first for game designers, who will have to reinvent from scratch the grammar of video games, but the sensory experience of the prototypes that we have been trialling is so astonishing as to cause true addiction.

That’s why Sony after much hesitation decided to focus firmly on the analog Project Morpheus: this helmet will come in 2016, but will work for the advantage of not requiring a Pc powerful as Oculus, but Playstation 4 , already sold over 22 million units. At E3 you can try the first titles, like “The Assembly,” which brings in a mysterious military-technological research center, or try the top racing car of “Project CARS.” “We are developing many video games to virtual reality,” said the head of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida, “and the important thing is to try to do it for the player a feeling of presence in the game. It’s something you can not explain if you’ve never tried it. “

Holograms and tracking

 The idea is fully shared by Microsoft , lagged behind with sales of its Xbox One (estimated at around 12 million units) and now with his glasses holographic HoloLens, for the present at E3 first, to promote a technological leap further: wearing them you can merge the images of video games with their surroundings, transforming their home into an arena in which sprout characters and virtual objects indistinguishable from reality. “It will be an unprecedented,” said the CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella, “just think what we can do with” Minecraft “.”

Yes: the video game that invites you to create worlds fantastic with tiny brick was purchased by the multinational to $ 2.5 billion with the intention of transforming it into a virtual Lego future. In anticipation of the new moves of these multinationals, other competitors are ready to jump arena of virtual reality: HTC with the software company Valve has already presented the viewer lives, that will work in support of the delivery platform video game for PC called Steam, with 125 million users worldwide. And then there are actually emerging as Fove, with his helmet that combines virtual reality with the eye tracking, eye tracking to make the facial interaction with digital characters more emotionally engaging, or Manus Machina, which offers the first gloves with tracking the movement of the fingers, which are useful to manipulate objects in virtual worlds.

 Faced with competitors’ moves, the Japanese Nintendo , remained burned by the uninspiring performance of its Wii U (9.5 million pieces but with a year of extra life), he has decided to distance itself with the announcement of NX Project, which should arrive in 2016 and according to well informed introduce an idea of ​​unreleased game, able to perform the functions of fixed and portable gaming machine based on the Android OS. The rumor makes sense, because by the time you know that the heroes of the Japanese they land on the mobile market, although the company president Satoru Iwata has confirmed that none of this will be ready for Los Angeles, which will host the new adventures instead of Wii U and 3DS Mario, Star Fox, Metroid and his other historical figures. He does not even speak of the project Quality of Life will introduce in the coming years a wide range of sensors and devices to combine entertainment and well-being, in the wake of the success achieved in the past with the “scale” for the Wii Fit video game.

Assassin’s creed” goes to London

 Of course, the fair is also an opportunity to unveil new videogame enthusiasts increasingly spectacular, full of moral dilemmas dedicated to an adult audience, but now so expensive as to require an idea of ​​seriality that so far seems to still pay. Despite sequel and remake the global gaming market, according to research from Newzoo, this year will produce a turnover of 91.5 billion, expected to rise to 113.3 in 2018.

This explains why c ‘is still hungry for “Call of Duty”, the shooter war reached the twelfth episode, in which we talk about the risks of entrusting the conflicts of the future robot armies that unlike humans have no morals or loyalty. And so an idea can work as the saga of Destiny, science fiction project decade started last year by Activision, who will present his new chapter, pressed by other space epics such as the return of Halo, with the episode number 5 titled “Guardians”, and Mass Effect 4.

On the other hand, the mother of all sagas, or Star Wars, will return to the movies in December with the seventh episode , entitled “The awakening of force”, and the world of video games will not miss the opportunity to cavalcarne success, with the battles of interactive “Battlefront” and, they say, a new venture created by Visceral Games. The model of a product declined in many episodes just comes from Hollywood, has emerged with the TV series, and now finds its highest expression in video games, now they aspire to popular imagination not only the players, but also of moviegoers: is the case of Assassin’s Creed Syndicat and series that after the Renaissance Florence, the Papal Rome and Paris revolutionary Ambienta time his war between the Templars and Assassins in the London of the Industrial Revolution, to find then the synthesis in the movie coming next year. Starring Michael Fassbender, director Justin Kurzel, veterans from the adaptation of Macbeth.

If you choose the serial

 While in the Mecca of cinema is increasingly pointing the imaginary video game, from pixels coming in July with the invasion of Earth by Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Donkey Kong, next to “Warcraft” that fits the same name role-playing game, there are those who like the software company Remedy thinks of hybrid forms of entertainment: his “Quantum Break” is an interactive adventure where the user’s decisions affect the events of a TV series.

And so between the expected return of tombarolo womanizer Nathan Drake in “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End”, one of his female counterpart Lara Croft in “Rise of the Tomb Raider”, yet another appearance of war hero Big Boss in Japanese “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” or Bat Man in “Batman: Arkham Knight,” for original titles space is really tight: there are among the most anticipated “No Man’s Sky”, in where you can explore a galaxy with a spaceship and “The Division”, which makes us a soldier committed to restore order in a New York brought to its knees by the spread of a deadly virus.


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