As anticipated by our editorial this morning, the Ministry has allocated funds for the upgrading of the training. It is 93 mn euro, 40 more than last year. A turnaround important, even if we remember that the fund in question had in the 2 thousand 166.7 million euro.
The statement of the Ministry of Education sent to our staff.
More than 93 million euro to promote the active involvement of students in school life, for the upgrading of the training, teacher training, dissemination of innovative teaching practices. 66% of resources in more than in 2014. The Minister of Education, University and Research, Stefania Giannini, signed the decree which funds school autonomy (under Law 440), completely rethought from the past.
“we allocate more resources, most of which are destined for innovative activities for students and their participation in school life – said Giannini – We have prepared a decree with an overall consistent with the priorities indicated in bill ‘The Good School’. We double the resources on sport, quadruplichiamo than for inclusion, we fund with over 3 million training on CLIL, the methodology for teaching a non-language subject in language, and its spread. We expected a more transparent and efficient management of the funds, with a specific activity of reporting and monitoring of spending. “
Students protagonists
Most resources, more than 51 million of 93, are intended for students chapter. More than 2 million are earmarked for school inclusion of students with disabilities . There are 500,000 euro for teach Italian students children of migrants and 2.5 million for the hospital school, that last year offered an answer to 74,000 children involving 4,000 teachers. More than 4 million finance the student participation, of these 1 million is allocated to the organization of a National Day of School for the creation and dissemination of best teaching practices. The National Plan for Sport in school doubles the funds: the 2 million to finance it. More than 5 million are intended for a National Programme for the promotion of nutritional education and for the participation of schools at Expo 2015 are earmarked for the first time 2 million for promotion dell ‘ theatrical education and 1 million for the dissemination of music . With 3.4 million it will promote projects for the promotion of Active Citizenship and ‘ education law . While 1 million goes to the contrast of bullying and cyber-bullying . Among the firsts of the decree, the initiative Schools cozy : with 1 million euro will be recovered unused spaces to make workshops and construction sites of creativity. Also new: 3 million for the dissemination of the knowledge of the Made in Italy . With 19 million is financed the alternating training that with #labuonascuola must be guaranteed to all high school students. Two million go to the contrast of the school drop . With 400,000 euro will be realized for the first time summer schools intended to excellence.
The CLIL at the center of teacher training
More than 3 million are devoted to the spread of CLIL and related teacher training. With 400,000 euro finance themselves instead projects for the strengthening of skills in Italian and the teaching of the authors of ’900 . Three million will be used for the development of the national system of evaluation, 1.9 adult education. There will be a web platform for the ‘governance’ of teacher training, that with ‘The Good School’ becomes mandatory and based on national priorities .
To support the autonomy
More than 25000000 are for schools. Of these 7.5 will be used for the realization of the autonomy and technological innovation, 1 million to accompany the implementation of the Digital Piano School, 100,000 euro for technology labs. The 15.7 million additional funding dedicated to the operation of schools provide a novelty : 3 million is set up a specific fund to support institutions in the event of emergencies , such serious acts of vandalism. Finally a platform will be prepared for the reporting and monitoring of expenditure.
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