Thursday, June 25, 2015

Increasingly technological obstetrics and gynecology – Lucca Live

ok other delivery room > In the report on the evaluation system of the performance of health Tuscan relative to 2014, developed by the Laboratory Mes School Sant’Anna of Pisa, there were the excellent results that relate to the mother and child department, with the Obstetrics and Gynecology of Lucca you It stands with the best performance ever for the percentage of Caesarean sections (just 10.90%) and pediatrics who is scoring the second highest regional hospitalization of infants (just 0.21%), confirming the great work It has been done in recent years by all staff in the sector. Regarding in particular the Obstetrics and Gynecology, many new products that can meet the needs of women of Lucca.

The new laser. Since the beginning of 2015 you can take advantage of a new laser technology that the USL 2 Lucca managed to obtain as the first public company in Italy. The laser, which was positioned at the point Woman (on the second floor of the building B of the Citadel of Health of the Champ de Mars), is used for the treatment painless and noninvasive stress urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness and postmenopausal postpartum vaginal relaxation.
To make an appointment you need to perform a gynecological examination at the clinic Pelvic Floor of Lucca (Woman Point) led by the Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Professor Gian Luca Bracco and Dr. Mariella Lenci, or all ‘ divisional surgery to establish the correct indication to laser treatment; at this point the nursing staff will eventually enter the woman in the first session available.
A tool like that fits perfectly into the path of conservation and rehabilitation of the female pelvic floor.
It ‘in fact known as postpartum may be some vaginal relaxation up to mild or moderate degrees of utero-vaginal prolapse and appear or persist a mild stress urinary incontinence.
The structure of obstetrics and gynecology of Lucca, very attentive to these issues, it is therefore now can provide an additional therapeutic tool which ranks among the prevention of perineal damage from childbirth through a course on the perineum and care during childbirth and the various surgical treatments that the department is able to offer for urinary incontinence (minimally invasive surgery transobturator) and the utero-vaginal prolapse.
Also this laser is able to solve the anatomical and functional disorders of the utero-vaginal prolapse mild, procrastinating, and in many cases avoiding surgery.
> Furthermore, its ability to angiogenesis and rejuvenation of the vaginal mucosa, this treatment is optimal to improve vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women and to promote a better and more satisfying sex life.
The structure of gynecology, among other recognized center for the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction by the Italian Association of Uro Gynaecology (AIUG) and reference center (Finco) for female urinary incontinence and Professor Bracco is the National Council of the most prestigious companies scientific urological and gynecological pelvic floor.
The organization of the structure of Gynecology and Obstetrics. At the hospital Saint Luke takes place the whole activity maternity clinic (delivery room and inpatient obstetrics) and gynecological (operating room and inpatient gynecological).
In the Citadel of Health of the Champ de Mars is instead remained ambulatory activity: surgery of the pelvic floor and urinary incontinence, medical ultrasound obstetric first and second level, surgery for performing the nuchal translucency, amniocentesis, high-risk pregnancy clinic, outpatient gynecological ultrasound for diagnosis and treatment of all diseases of women, surgery to perform Pap smears and colposcopy and vaginal swabs in pregnancy . Always at this property, with direct access, there is surgery to law enforcement 194. It is also working on the opening of the surgery pregnancy physiological run by midwives.
“Since 2008 – says Professor Gian Luca Bracco – we are very committed to build a path defined and structured for the prevention and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction. The most critical moments of this part of the woman are so delicate pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. That’s why we wanted and established a specific course for pregnant women on the perineum, dedicated to the welfare of the perineum, promoted a run of childbirth respectful of this part of the body and we have organized a rehabilitation of the pelvic floor, which aims to re-educate the women in the proper use of the perineum ‘daily use by combining, when necessary, the use of bio-feedback and electrostimulation functional; thus women end the treatment being able to manage themselves in autonomy the use of the muscle in life, invigorating reducing symptoms, and preventing a worsening clinical. regarding menopause that is the time when you have more problems such as urinary incontinence and vaginal prolapse uterus, we are dedicated in the perfection of some minimally invasive surgical procedures and respectful organ uterus through the use of devices that allow treatment in day surgery of stress urinary incontinence and prolapse of the uterus-vaginal suspending the uterus and fully preserving the integrity vaginal “.
Course welfare of the perineum. The Company USL 2 Lucca is the only one in Tuscany and one of the few in Italy to offer pregnant women a free course on the perineum. It is a practical course on the knowledge and well-being of the perineum. The perineum is a central part of our body, which it holds a lot of responsibility in determining the quality of women’s lives. The course of the perineum is designed to create a group of mothers who meet and, in an intimate and comfortable, they learn to perceive, use and tone the pelvic floor already during pregnancy.
It is targeted to women expected to give birth, but also to mothers who have already given birth. The course of the perineum in postpartum starts 6-8 weeks postpartum to allow the reconstruction of a woman his family balance following the return home, and is targeted to resume “contact” with that part so intimate that turns out to be “different” and therefore should be re-perceived in its entirety.
course to accompany the birth. The course to accompany the birth allows the woman and her partner to share their experience with others prospective parents to know the staff, to gain knowledge and information that they will definitely helpful. The course to accompany the birth lasts for two months, the last two months of pregnancy, divided into 8 sessions, one a week (each session lasts about two hours). The meetings involve several professionals that gravitate around the mother-child department. the woman will have in fact to know the hospital pediatrician, anesthetist, gynecologists, pediatricians of free choice, who will entrust the child after discharge, but most midwives representing the professional reference in pregnancy and childbirth physiological . The course aims to make informed consciously new parents in order to promote the pound and the choice to live the moments of the event birth with tranquility and serenity: in fact these meetings provide the face of various subjects and group work body. The course is free of charge.
The analgesia in childbirth. The anxiety and fear of pain during labor and delivery to prevent many women from living peacefully this important time in their lives and is to them that is mainly dedicated analgesia, in order to allow to give birth in a conscious manner following a free choice as this may be that of labor analgesia, helping the management of pain with this drug treatment, which is a safe and effective technique, although not the only, to control the pain of labor and delivery through a simple standardized procedure performed by medical anesthesiologist present in the hospital 24 hours a 24. And ‘recommended for all pregnant women run eight months a visit anesthetic appointment Woman at Point. In any case, the visit is free and does not bind the mother to request it during labor.
Labor and Delivery active. The labor and delivery physiological are managed independently by the midwife and to encourage the intimacy of the couple at the time of birth have been designed and equipped in the new block childbirth four rooms from labor-delivery reminiscent as possible the family environment. The expectant mother is accompanied in these rooms at the time that goes into labor that is active when the contractions are regular and produce dilation of the cervix. During labor, every woman is accompanied and supported by a midwife in his free choice of movement by taking all vacant positions that help address its labor and its delivery in respect of his day and his needs. The inspections, visits and the use of drugs are limited to necessary, because the goal is always to favor the natural childbirth. In respect of the ten steps, the birth is always the preferred skin-skin mother-infant and keep the intimacy and the family bond with dad: this relationship is maintained for two hours promoting imprinting and bonding of attachment breast with the presence of the midwife who will monitor the well-being of the mother and newborn, claiming the first attack breast.
Water Birth. The hospital offers the possibility of Lucca the woman in labor to choose the element of water due to the presence of the tank, to the Protocol and shared the physiology. This promotes psycho-physical relaxation, makes a woman feel lighter and less contracted with greater freedom of movement by facilitating the change of location and relaxing the perineum. Water also acts as a natural analgesia with recognized benefits for the baby, as it provides a natural birth and sweet.
obstetric care at home. After giving birth, when the mother returned home, he can take advantage of obstetric care at his home. Visits are free of charge, from midwives to the Health 2, which represent a key reference point for new parents care and support during the first weeks after birth.
The midwives recommend hospital and promote the service of continuity of care after discharge and women affected are contacted within 72 hours to the first meeting at home, which is followed by the other events, always in accordance with specific agreements. Midwives domiciliary support the new mother and monitor the physical and mental wellbeing of women by offering help in the management of the newborn especially for the hygiene, care and breastfeeding.
A hospital measure woman. The structure of obstetrics, maternal and child inserted in the department headed by Professor Raffaele Domenici, received in 2009, in 2011 and in 2013 the recognition of the Observer National Women’s Health (Wave) with the allocation of Bollini Rosa. This program aims to identify reality and clinical scientists particularly at the forefront Italian health in order to facilitate the choice of place of care by women. To hospitals that meet the requirements identified by the Observatory they are assigned stamps rose evidencing their commitment to women’s diseases. The hospital in Lucca also received, in 2008, recognized as Unicef ​​Baby Friendly Hospital in support and promotion of the Ten Steps on skin to skin contact and breastfeeding; also the Mother and Child Department to the Health 2 has been engaged for years in parallel to follow another path, which is also promoted by UNICEF, called the Hospital Friend of the mother.

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