Thursday, June 4, 2015

Michelle Bachelet: “From Latin America to Pope Francis can … – The Republic

THE PRESIDENT of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, is on an official visit in Italy. Today he will meet President Sergio Mattarella, Premier Matteo Renzi and the chairmen of the House and Senate, and Laura Boldrini Pietro Grasso. Friday morning the audience with the Pope and then, on Saturday in Milan, visiting the Expo.

President Bachelet, she has returned to power for a second term with a strong reform agenda, what has so far been able to apply of its program?
“Over the past three decades, my country has experienced a strong modernization process. But it was a technological and economic revolution incomplete. The social relations, work and policies, such as the rights of people and public institutions, have not been modernized at the same speed. The citizens have suffered these delays and this explains the social unrest of recent months. Modernise the bases social, political and economic development to progress in a modernization that is socially inclusive which is the basis of our program of government. This is why we passed a more equitable tax reform and a new Education Act that focuses on the gratuitousness of education and university publicly funded ending a historic economic segregation of young people poorest. We also approved a reform of the electoral law that Chile had inherited from the dictatorship and that distorted the political representation in Parliament. Finally we are starting a process that will allow us to soon have a new constitution. “

Beyond the reforms approved, what are the most urgent problems to be solved?
“Certainly, the many forms of inequality, in education and at work and in gender relations, are the main challenge. Overcoming them is the common denominator of all our reforms. Why is it necessary that all citizens have a fair chance of that the company can offer to achieve self-realization “.

Do you think you have done everything in his power against corruption?
“Corruption in business and politics has become a global challenge to modern democracies. Confidence in the political system and activity private decreased significantly. In Chile we have had recent cases that involved very serious and my government have been very painful for me. This is why I personally guided the construction of a new agenda on transparency in state government and with greater penalties for corruption offenses “.

You will also meet with Pope Francis. How important is it for ‘Latin America a Pope who comes from that continent?
“Pope Francis is very Latin, just think of his passion for football. But also to its concerns about the forms of exclusion that exist in societies of our region. His words in favor of social justice, as well as his style that focuses more on people than on institutions, will bring a new impetus to this process of change and great challenges of social progress for Latin America. ”

Chile and Italy have a long history of cooperation and friendship: how is renewed today?
“In the nineteenth century Chile received a large influx Italian who left important signs and lasting until today. In 1973 Italy immediately condemned the military coup that interrupted our democracy and hosted hundreds of Chilean political refugees forced into exile. Today we face similar problems. Italy as we have just passed a reform of its electoral system and a reform of the labor market: this opens up opportunities for exchange of experience and joint actions. In the economic Italy it has major investments in Chile and is a significant market for our exports. We need to increase these exchanges because it is an area of ​​opportunity for both. “

With Dilma Rousseff and Cristina Kirchner, was one of the first women president in Latin America. The presence of women in high positions institutional He has brought with it new original?
“This is tried. Women add much from their diversity and experience. With Rousseff, Kirchner and many other social leaders in Latin America share the project of modern and fair society “.

Foreign interviews
Michelle Bachelet


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