Friday, June 5, 2015

Chiara Mio – Vanity

What are the qualities that should have a woman to change the world?

“Understanding where it is needed, where you can make a difference, and work only there. The rest leave it to others. For example, I’m not replaceable as a mother and in some roles that I have. Understanding this you focus on certain things and become effective “.

Because women often find it difficult to get to the top?
” Given the importance of the family women always they have struggled to be represented in significant places requiring large investments in terms of time and energy. We had a lower rate of female graduates, but now is no longer so. Therefore, looking ahead, I expect that more and more women reach the top by virtue of the fall of some prejudices penalizing. I believe that as women we assume the difficulty of access to certain areas considered male. In these contexts men attending each other making friends and alliances, and when they have to report the names they think of this entourage. Women have a way of life very different social relations, they do not have exclusive circles. In this sense, social networks have come to the aid of women offering opportunities to the female first foreclosed. Their presence here is equal, there are no more barriers. I expect that there is an increasing possibility of co-opting of women in the future thanks to this technological attendance. “

Why a woman than their male colleagues must always demonstrate more clearly the worth?
“So far, the selection work has been based on factors predominantly masculine cut. Think of words such as “conquest”, “career”, “command”: language too is revealing. In the feminine dimension it comes to sharing, assertiveness. It is not that the woman has to prove more. It had in the past to strive to add masculine features that were not his own. Today, however, we realize that companies run well if they work the characteristics of women. Probably will be the men have to prove in the future to have some of the characteristics typically female. I think the ability to intercept with intuition new needs, the ability to dialogue, to multitasking. “

In a period of crisis and change for the world of Italian credit, which can be the contribution of women?
“Women are an area of ​​unexplored market for women’s entrepreneurship and activity rates for women will increase and then banks will have to get much attention. Inside the world of credit women may well help to intercept the needs of a society very liquid, because of this innate ability to align with the changes. “

On what do you think we should concentrate on?
“In a changing environment is the future of those who can listen without fear. This needs great courage that comes from knowing very well themselves and their boundaries, without fear of confrontation. “

Why do you think the number of women in representative bodies and control is still so low in Italy compared to what happens in other countries instead?
“A bit ‘for a Taylorist division of society: the man guaranteed the procurement of the money, the woman ensured the functioning of the family. The pact worked until he realized it was a very efficient mode because it meant giving up the ability of women to be paid in the workforce. The transition has not been easy because we wanted to play with male subjects. Now the world has changed. Then there is the Gulf-Moscow law which obliges listed companies to have the boards of directors and audit committees of women. I expect that within ten years we will have a significant increase. Very nice also that there is a European directive which speaks of diversity management. According to recent data the Board and fora where there is a significant number of women are more efficient and more effective. The differences are thus useful. Male and female should not be seen as a quantity that they steal space but as a quality that complement. “

What are the future challenges to be faced?
“The future challenge is played on the ability to involve, interest, to participate in social and working youth. There is a clear generational problem, we need some new energy. Italy and Europe are aging and this weighs down now. “

One piece of advice would you give to young women today who want to work in world bank.
“They must believe in themselves and also propose with skills side. We need experts in anthropology we explain how you establish a relationship of trust with citizens and with the consumer. Expert of the Eastern world that causes us to understand how the world looks to us. Not fossilizziamoci on a degree in economic and finance but we learn to read the reality and the future with new disciplines. So I would urge young women to use these lenses. “


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