Thursday, September 1, 2016

Seismic school adjustment, the latest regulations – Ediltecnico – online newspaper for technical professionals

Italy is moving in the direction of ‘ seismic retrofitting of schools . Here’s how: we review the measures that contain the most important initiatives. Important but obviously unnecessary. The demonstration of the fact that laws are made but are not followed when building is in what happened in the school of amateur, collapsed despite recent interventions of seismic upgrading.

Decree of the President Council of Ministers August 28, 2016 set up at INPS building in Largo Graziosi 5 in Rieti the Command and Control ( Command and Control Headquarters. ), whose coordinator is Immaculate Postiglione, Director of the Office IV – emergency management of the Department of civil protection.

Classification earthquake resistant buildings

in May it was in preparation for the system cataloging of buildings (also school) that allows you to take pictures immediately what is the degree of risk in the event of earthquake: a sort by letters (a to F) on the same subject line that already informs long discipline of the energy certificate. Allow to measure seismic upgrading of schools generated by a mass action safely from a structural standpoint and cost: according to the condition of the buildings are measured the cost to repair the damage caused by an earthquake.

a poor design, poor quality of materials, poor construction and poor maintenance mode aggravate the consequences of seismic events.

Guidelines and seismic classification of edific: what is it?

the latest news is that announced by the Minister Delrio : work on seismic classification is almost finished and will soon be published .

seismic upgrading the Notice Innovative Schools

Something is in Bando Innovative Schools. With this contest you want to “capture design ideas for the realization of innovative schools from an architectural point of view, systems, technology, energy efficiency and structural and earthquake safety, characterized by the presence of new learning environments and openness to territory. “

in Annex that specifies the areas of intervention and amounts of revenue are also schools in the province of Terni and Rieti.

Read all the details on the tender innovative schools

It is a call for architects and engineers , called designing school buildings safe and sustainable , an innovative architecturally, plant engineering, technological, of ‘ energy efficiency and the structural and earthquake safety.

seismic upgrading in the Good School

the Good School, moreover, it was published in the Official Gazette no. 228 of 1 October 2015. From October 1 is then entered in force Decree-Law no. 154/2015 on “Urgent provisions for economic and social matters” ( Article 1 ). Article 1 provides that “For the swift continuation of the interventions related to the extraordinary plan for the restoration of decorum and of school buildings feature allows the ‘ use of the resources already allocated by the CIPE on August 6, 2015, in’ amount of 50 million euro for 2015 and 10 million euro for the year 2016 from the Fund for the development and cohesion – 2014-2020 programming period.

Read the article Seismic schools, a new decree explains how to use the resources


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