Saturday, January 30, 2016

Touraine: we in the land of ethics – The Time



 Alain Touraine – French sociologist who receives today the distillery Percoto (Udine), the Nonino Prize “In a master of our time” while other awards go to the poet Lars Gustafsson, the project “Born to Read” and the preparatory grape Simonit & amp; Sirchm – is happy, sad, tired and industrious in his place itself in a new dimension, as he wrote in his blog. New dimension, but who she taught him caution. If we ask the attack Muslims in Paris, bulldozing. If prospettiamo the embarrassing situation of veiled statues in the Capitol in deference to Iranian President Rouhani, responds with a laugh.

 Yet this ninety – who taught in Paris and in South America, has analyzed the labor movement and the industrial sociology – was the first to identify the transformation of capitalism and coined the term “post-industrial society.” And a few weeks ago he has confessed, even from the blog: “It’s true that my head is still imbued with the categories and concepts which are those of industrial societies in which I spent a good half of my life. But I’m beginning to get used to the voices that I heard around me and in me. I am happy to have been able to set foot on land hitherto unknown. “


  What land, Professor Touraine?

 “The land ethic. One where you feel the affirmation or denial of the human subject, his rights, his dignity. So my new book is titled “We, human subjects.” I work to which I feel closer to than all the previous ones. Perhaps it will be my last, but I wish it had been the first. “


  What has changed so radically?

 “There is no longer an industrial society and with her died his protagonists, who organized their lives on the job. In this new way power flaunting the possession of resources and strives to build the image that humans have of themselves, of their society and their environment. “


  A Moloch, a Big Brother.

 “I felt awaken in me the old theme scary but enlightening of totalitarianism. With the dissolution of the social, determined by the end of industrial capitalism and the emergence of the financial, power tends to change nature becomes total, control over the objective dimension of reality that too subjective. It penetrates the minds and behavior of individuals. Moreover, when the economic capitalism that invests on the production replaces the financial and speculative capital which subtracts those investments, they empty the categories of State, Country, Democracy, Class, Family. So he regresses into pseudo-religion, pseudo-politicians and the unbridled hedonism breeds violence. “


  In his 2014 book, “The End of the society”, indicates only one way out.

 “We must go back to Hannah Arendt, when he says that the man has the right to have rights. I agree, but specifying that the rights, just because they are universal, they are above the law and politics. To object to the end of the social and rebuild a collective life must link the individual and the universal, resulting in more social movements, but ethical and democratic. Democrats to call into question the power in its entirety, ethical because they defend the human being in its most singular reality. “


  There is no risk of individualism?

 “If the industrial society was founded on the idea of ​​relationship with each other, in the post-industrial priority is the relationship with oneself. The individual becomes a social actor not passing through politics, degraded, or the concept of class, non-existent. But just by itself, from its rights. For example, women’s rights, which make it so an actor of political regenerated. The ethics prevents their subordinate position. “


  You have stated that in China, India, the Arab world will find the news of the future. But especially in the Arab world many are denied rights.

 “I thought twenty years ago. Today I can groped to decipher especially India, which enjoys a high level of technological progress while working with the system illegal caste. The concentration of investment capital and a political system capable of organizing the participation of many in a different way to control the work makes the production more and more complex and different. The manufacturing methods are unknown, although the company is based on communication. A black hole to be filled. “


Lidia Lombardi


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