Sunday, January 3, 2016

Head teacher and governing bodies: who does what after … – Horizon School

The Reform Law School, Law no. 107/2015, has given a new impulse to school autonomy, serving as its main purpose the full implementation of the same, as stated in paragraph 1.

To affirm the central role of the school in dellaconoscenza society and raising levels of education and skills of the students and of the students, respecting the times and styles diapprendimento, to counter the socio-cultural and territorial inequalities, to prevent and recover abandonment and dispersionescolastica, in line with educational, cultural and

Professional different levels of education, to build a school open as a permanent laboratory research, experimentation and educational innovation, participation and

education for active citizenship, to ensure the right to education, lepari opportunities for successful training and continuing education of the citizens, this Act from ‘ full implementation of the autonomy of educational institutions provided for in Article 21 of the Law of 15 March 1997, no. 59, and successivemodificazioni, also in relation to the financial envelope.

That law stands, therefore, in line with the Presidential Decree no. 275/99 “Regulations concerning the autonomy of the institutions scolasticheai accordance with article 21 of the Law of 15 March 1999, 59″ , but those that are enhancing the skills of dirigentescolastico changing the competence of the board of the Institute and of the teaching regarding the drafting of the training pianodell’offerta (now three years – PTOF – and with new content not present in the old annual POF), and novellandoil Committee for the evaluation of teachers.

What are the light of the law n.107 / 2015, the new skills deldirigente school and the governing bodies? Who should do what?

powers and duties of DS , briefly described in paragraph 78 of the same law, continuing the pattern laid down by normativaprevigente (Law no. 59 / 97, by the Legislative Decree no. 59/98, Presidential Decree no. 275/99 and by Legislative Decree no. 165/01):

The head teacher, while respecting the competencies of organicollegiali, subject to the individual and national levels of enjoyment of the right to education, it provides efficient, efficientegestione of human, financial, technological and materials, as well as the common elements of the public school system, ensuring its smooth running. For this purpose, it carries out tasks of leadership, management, organization and coordination and e’responsabile management of financial and material resources and the results of the service in accordance with Article 25del Legislative Decree 30 March 2001 n. 165, as well as’ human resource development . “

The most important new features are introduced, however, in paragraphs 14, 18, 79,80, 117 and 127.

paragraph 14 is dedicated to the development of PTOF (all on PTOF) and gives the executive powers due before the Board of the Institute.

manager school , in fact, according to the said paragraph, defines guidelines for school activities and management choices and BOARDOFDIRECTORS , which constitute the starting point for processing PTOF as has illustrated Professor Katjuscia Pitino.

paragraph 18, 79,80, introduced another important innovation that harafforzato, without any doubt, the powers of the DS, consequently increasing responsibilities.

paragraph 18 read:

The head teacher identifies the personnel to be assigned to postidell’organico autonomy, in the manner referred to in paragraphs from 79 to 83.

No longer the old system of scores and rankings in fararrivare teachers in schools, but will manager to identify teachers that they will be part of staff autonomy dell’istituzionescolastica directing .

The head teacher by AS 2016/17 identifies all’internodell’ambito territorial reference (all on the territories), the role of teaching staff in order to fill the posts of staff autonomy, primarily iposti common and support vacant and available.

The DS offers a three-year term in accordance with the PTOF, enhancing the curriculum, experience and professional skills, and also carrying out of the talks.

paragraph 117 , then assigns the head teacher the task of assessing , after consulting the Committee for the evaluation of teachers, teaching staff in period of training and testing based investigation of a teacher at the school daldirigente entrusted with the functions of tutors.

Another completely new competence attributed to the head teacher èindicata in paragraph 127 that assign it to the DS, based on the criteria identified by the Committee divalutazione, bonus rewarding (paragraphs 126 and 128) teachers most deserving operating nell’Istituzionescolastica which he manages .

The law n. 107/2015, as mentioned above, has also intervened on skills of the board of the institute and the faculty on drawing the PTOF.

paragraph 14 in step 4 reads:

The plan ‘drawn up by the teachers on the basis degliindirizzi for the activities’ of the school and the choices of management and administration defined by the head teacher. The plan e’approvato by the school board.

The Board of the Institute , then has the task of approving the PTOF and not even define, as required by Article 3 of Presidential Decree 275/99, those guidelines now defined by the head teacher.

The teachers instead , keeps the task of processing the Piano , based on the guidelines defined by the DS.

Assessment Board of teachers , finally, it was the amended subsection 129 (which sostituitol’articolo 11 of Legislative Decree 297/94) regarding both the tasks and the composition is at the time.

According to the said paragraph , the Committee for the evaluation of teachers (which lasts three years old) is composed of the head teacher, who chairs, three teachers (two chosen by the teachers’ e1 by the board of the Institute), two representatives of the parents ( in kindergarten, primary and secondary level) or by a representative of the parents and a representative of the students (in the secondary school level), and a componenteesterno identified by the regional school between teachers, school managers and executives technical.

A new competence that the committee is called upon to exercise consistenella definition of the criteria for the promotion of merit , on the basis of which the DS will award the bonus rewarding to personaledocente.

The task of the Committee, therefore, is limited to the definition deicriteri, while the DS will be awarded annually to the bonuses to deserving teachers (paragraph 127).

The Committee, at the end of exceed a period of training and testing of teaching staff and educational, give its opinion (for the subsequent evaluation by the DS) conuna composition reduced, ie without the component parents and without the external component; is integrated by the teacher tutor / i neoimmesso / s.

The committee, in contrast, operates with the presence of all componentiper The evaluation of the service in all’art.448 D. Decree no. 297/94 , following a report of the head teacher; in the case of valutazionedel service of a teacher member of the committee, that person participates in the work and the board of Institute provvedeall’individuazione a substitute; exercises, finally, the competences for the rehabilitation of the teaching staff, referred to in Article 501del decree above.

In the light of our analysis, we can say that functions and duties of the governing bodies do not subitocambiamenti have such reinforcing the role of , unlike the Council of the Institute has been a reduction in its power to address atutto advantage of DS .

Committee for the evaluation of teachers has seen assign the task of defining the criteria for the appraised about teachers (whose assessed by the DS) and has been modified in its composition.

No substantial change has involved the skills of their Teaching staff .

The figure of DS instead has since expanded its expertise with the allocation of functions such nuovicompiti and : definition addresses for school activities and management choices and BOARDOFDIRECTORS; allocating tasks to the three-year tenure system of the territorial dirifornimento; assessment of teachers in the period of training and testing; attribution of bonusai deserving teachers, based on the criteria identified by the evaluation committee.

For further information:

The role and functions of Deans before and after the law “The BuonaScuola”

Corporate bodies: what new skills after reform? From College alConsiglio Institute, through the Evaluation Committee

About Good School


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