Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Back to the Fortezza da Basso Smau Florence – The Nation

Florence, July 6, 2016 The fourth edition of Smau Florence, scheduled for 7 and 8 July at Cavaniglia of Fortezza da Basso, will present a number of initiatives for maximize opportunities for the benefit of companies and local authorities with the aim to support them in the growth and competitiveness. At the center of the proposals the entrepreneur who, through quick moments of discussion and networking opportunities, will deepen the offer of innovation at its disposal.

Factory 4.0, Agrifood, Commerce and Tourism, Smart Communities, Billing e will be some of the topics widely discussed through the different modes of interaction proposals during the event and through in-depth comparison and analysis meetings between start-ups and spin-off of the territory, such as Cisco Digital Player, CBI Consortium, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Microsoft, TIM and businesses.

We discuss innovation ingredients, of ideas, skills and networking activities, the Smart Mobility through the proposal of technology and services to respond to those who are the new requirements of mobility and innovation in public services and businesses. And more companies will be at the center of deepening with the proposals of management, organization of work, safety and energy sources. In terms of tourism, the theme of enabling technologies for infrastructure, services and cultural offerings. In the field Factory 4.0 at the center of the proposed technologies and new models for R & amp; D, production and marketing. While in the field of smart cities will deepen the appearance of re-use and development of new technologies to improve the quality of life of citizens.

These are the proposals of Smau Live Show, appointments of 50 minutes oriented handshake and networking in which the entrepreneur can meet the proposed Startup, the world of research through its spin-off, the excellence of the territory that have started a process to update and Player Digital. In the wake of the stages of Bologna, Berlin and Turin Roadshow 2016, Smau will present a full program of events to bring together the stars of the world of innovation, the best of the digital world Partners, SMEs and local authorities. Several meeting mode, and then, like Smau Live Show, also available as live streams, the Speed ​​Pitching by 90 seconds, and another novelty within the format Smau the Corporate Meeting event in which 15 companies are told to 3 minutes to other companies with the aim to network and organize B2B deepening appointments.

at the end of each event will follow networking opportunities to allow other companies and public administrations to meet personally innovators and understand how to improve important aspects of their business through the adoption of digital technologies. A review of the initiative Pierantonio Macola , president of Smau says: “The edition of Smau Florence at the entrance will be for companies in the area an opportunity to meet the innovation ecosystem consists from start-ups , spin-offs, incubators and accelerators, players in the sector. targeted Meetings, therefore, that target the development of partnerships and the implementation of innovative projects to improve their competitiveness. from Smau Live Show to the Corporate Meeting we will give to the many occasions in which businesses can meet new partners for their business. and the Corporate Meeting represents the most significant innovation: 15 businesses will have three minutes each to highlight the main house expertise and highlight those who are looking for the market to complete, in terms of specific knowledge, a potential project idea, a joint offer to a non-customer or a b2b direct relationship of a purely commercial nature. During the meeting it has been working for the next phase for the realization of B2B one-to-one in the following days according to the requests of those present in the hall. A formula that allows you to enhance the moment of contact by checking the mutual intention to meeting and providing optimal conditions to forge partnerships out of the spotlight. “

Many other free educational content for the benefit of entrepreneurs such as workshops in Tuscany Arena Technologica edited by Smau in collaboration with the Region of Tuscany, which will focus the main themes of innovation for the business and technology trends in progress. we discuss such internationalization, and Industry 4.0 resources put in by the Tuscany region to support innovation and the positioning of their business in international markets, will discuss opportunities for Research and Technology Transfer in the Region, it is called the tender in support of research in the field of Health and Life Sciences , we will talk about the project in which they are engaged GE Oil & amp; Gas, the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa and Tuscany Region that provides local businesses to participate in the industrial revolution 4.0, and more.

precisely with the aim of offering ready solutions for the market and intended to renew mature businesses, Smau Florence will host a s election of startups and spin-off , of which 10 are selected through a call launched in recent weeks by Regione Toscana and Smau, each with its own specialty, with particular reference to issues related to Factory 4.0, digital printing, rapid prototyping and Life Sciences. The 10 startups are: BlueUp present the Bluetooth low energy sensors adaptable to various areas such as proximity marketing, tourism, smart cities and factory 4.0; LIMIX Srl propose Talking Hand, a glove capable of translating the LIS language voice. The glove keeps track of the movements of the hands during the use of sign language, translates them and transfers them to a device equipped with speakers, be it a smartphone or a bluetooth cash; Wallin Srl provides solutions for the Digital Signage market. It caters to business allowing you to view digital content from the social web and the TV monitor and display; T4ALL spin-off of the University of Siena incubated at Toscana Life Sciences Science Park (TLS), a center of excellence in Life Sciences designs and develops solutions for the healthcare and life sciences, with this HappyMed, an integrated platform for the telemonitoring of vital signs for patients with chronic diseases of different nature; Nunacode present in health NUNA Nutritional Navigator, an innovative nutritional mobile software for healthcare professionals for nutrition education and nutrition surveillance, IMADROM spin-off of the University of Florence, offering Biomolecular Imaging services in support to Pharma companies involved in development of new drugs and radiopharmaceuticals.

the Imadrom services are developed as part of the innovative technology represented by the Imaging Molecular; Zaroo with its e-commerce for the sale of specific foodstuffs, guarantees 17 Allergy-Free categories, a scientific committee that analyzes the products and the collaboration with the national associations of reference; GeoExplorer corporate social spin-off of the University of Siena, in the context of Earth Science presents research in the fields integrating surface geological exploration methods in the hole and through airborne, an experimental aircraft to measure airborne different ranges simultaneously spectral region of the electromagnetic spectrum. And yet PetroLogic Synergy Ltd spin-off of the University of Siena with a preliminary design of an innovative environmental and geophysical data acquisition system in an integrated form on the physical and chemical properties, mineralogical and geotechnical ground and soils for potential uses in a wide range of areas of economic and scientific interest; Glitch Factory Srl. Spin-off of the University of Siena there has solutions for the Internet of Things and 4.0 Factory. An articulated thus offer to visitors who will be able to identify between exhibition area, workshops and networking activities their main interests. To optimize their visit and their upgrade options is active, free and already in the days before the event, a Personal Shopper service for Innovation, the Smau Discovery, which will support visitors in identifying pathways, in construction of an agenda customized one-to-one meetings, in the selection of updating workshops and more effective partner to innovate their business.

Appointment in Florence at the Fortezza da Basso on 7 and 8 July 2016 from 9.30 to 18.


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