The notaries have lost one of the first battles with the startup. From today, in fact, anyone can be an innovative enterprise directly online, with digital signature and without notary. And ‘one of the effects of the’ Investment Compact launched last year. The ranks of the law, in fact, has introduced the ability to set up online startup, by completing a standard incorporation model, and validate it with digital signature.
On July 1, the Ministry of Economic Development published a directive and distance of only 20 days, the company registration has succeeded in a small miracle: the new procedure is online . We tried it. And it works. But there are some things you should know.
1. How to set up an online startup, no notary
Who links to the site of the Business Register, by accessing the startup section will check for a new entry: “ Create your own . ” Clicking, and then going to “startup Acts” the new entrepreneurs can access or, if already registered to the system with a username and password, or even without registration can enter directly on the platform and fill out the form with all data necessary for the creation: the company name, registered office, personal details of members, share capital, and so on. Making, in short, by themselves all that until yesterday was done before the notary .
And it is possible to set up an innovative online startup even by phone . The site, in fact, is fully responsive, so easily Habitable not only from PCs but also from smartphones and mobile devices.
Really no registration? “We are open, we are giving a function without knowing who will use it, “he explains Infocamere, the company” technological arm “of the Italian Chambers of Commerce, which has developed a new platform.
at the end of compiling each user signs the act with their own electronic signature , and the platform sends a Pec with data to the Agency of revenue. If all goes well, once you register automatically integrate the company registration in practice the registration details. The innovative startup is “recognized” and can operate.
2. Service is free for 2 months
But that’s not all really that simple. Admits the same Infocamere “ We Fate something so evolved that needs to be explained .” For this reason a detailed guide (25 pages in all) on the operation of the platform was prepared. Not only. For two months, up to 30 September 2016 , the same experts Infocamere (technical and administrative) who have created the platform will provide free assistance to all future startup
3. The novelty in the novelty: you write XML reads “microdata”
The new underlying the new online incorporation procedure is, however, another. The data, profiling, microdata. A treasure, reusable and easily “scalable” to infinity for any future use . At the end of complilazione, in fact, the platform of the Business Register, returns to startup an XML file. “This creates the basis”, explains Infocamere, “before you informatizzava the act, the act now born digital, electronic, editable.”
But how to translate this into advantage for the users of these data? “One thing you trasfroma XML directly into knowledge available – explain the filmmakers the platform – distributed knowledge that can be processed automatically.”
And it is the law, through electronic signature, to give actual effect to these documents and data. If the notary we used to sign up sheet by sheet, with electronic signature you subscribe with one click letter by letter.
4. Members from various parts of Italy, without leaving home
Not being must be present before the notary goes without saying that from now on, the founders may also be a startup without facing, in addition to those of the notary, also travel expenses: simply that each fill and sign the xML files generated by the system.
the enthusiasm of those who make startups in Italy and the great little “revolution” introduced with the opening of new platform of the business Register is well describable through the words of Antonio Prigiobbo , the NaStartup coordinator, the community that helps in Naples and supports the growth of innovative startups. “We’re finally a country where if you are in a remote village of our boot, but even in a big city – says Prigiobbo – and you do not know a notary or accountant, who knows and / or does not know / what to study an innovative startup, you can jump over this hurdle and bureaucracy of the offices. It is no small thing. “
5. No, the accountants can not sign in place of the startup
The system Infocamere the opening of the new service for the transmission of startup formation practices recorded in a few hours more than 700 use . Much was definitely curiosity, even of us who work, but in projection are numbers that bode well for the ecosystem.
We asked if Infocamere including requests for assistance there were some useful explain to aspiring startup (and the professionals who follow) the mistakes to do to complete applications. Some accountant asked: “my clients do not have the digital signature, can I sign it for them?”. The answer is no, in no way whatsoever. And not because the platform does not allow it because the law does not allow it. When you go to the notary, in fact, the accountant does not sign the constitution of the startup, unless it is also one of the partners of the same. Similarly, the digital signature of the individual founders is unique, and each signing the memorandum and articles of association individually.
6. If there is a “round” team better to trust the professionals
The game on digitalization and dematerialization of the bureaucracy, however, is still long. You can “scrap” a stamp or a signature, halve the time of running a practice, cancel geographical distances, but to be assisted by a professional is always a good thing.
The new platform to build online startup “surely there aligns with the most advanced European countries. We are not the first, but we are the first, ‘he says Alberto Fioravanti , co-founder and executive chairman of Digital Magics, we reached by telephone, however, from his vantage point as an incubator for startups longtime invites all aspiring new companies to take great care in compiling questions: “ the statute of a society – explains Fioravanti – is really an important piece of architecture of the company , which guides all its decision-making processes and organization over time. Well, then, do everything online, but you must understand that it is good that there is always a professional to support startups. ” “I do not think to copy paste model statutes copied from the internet”, cuts short the president of Digital Magics.
A tip, therefore, for startupper novice? “A unless the team there is a graduate in business administration, also because it would be nice, the teams should be round, a team to work well should have a technical manager, a marketing manager and a chief financial officer following the corporate side. If there is a round team is helpful to be accompanied by a professional . I do not mean “all the kids have to go to an incubator.” Should get help, having the ability to listen, especially in the first phase of startup firm. “
Also because the foundations then depend on the life of the company,” at some point, he emphasizes Fioravanti – the startup will increase capital, will enter new members, governance change. And in this a statute written well makes a difference. “
Bureaucracy and digital. A (small) timeline
Electronic invoice, Spid, startup without notary and, soon, the new identity card (e). If we tried to put one after another on a timeline these innovations do not take us 10 years, but only a year and a half. A year and a half in which they have begun to take shape and substantiate the Italian Government on digital strategies.
Strategies ensemble that Paolo Barberis , an adviser to the Palazzo Chigi Innovation, defines “simple innovation.” Namely, innovation in small things. “That ‘s what you would expect that a contemporary country adopt to simplify the lives of all,” says Barberis. “Remove restrictions and delays, because everyone can express his potential.”
More startups, more investment. Now …
With the opening of the new platform the company registration has also made an important number: 6000 are innovative startups in Italy. More than 1,500 new startups over the past year. Numbers that bode well, even considering the fact that is also growing investment trend : according to our analysis, in the first six months of 2016 to the Italian startups have gone more than 86 million. Pretty much as those around the
2015. Apart from the electronic invoice, it needs to established business, and Spid, the new digital identity system launched at the end of last year, what we earn startups doing everything online? For Barberis’ make everything simpler, lower barriers, is part of a whole universe of things. Simplify the life of the early years of life, to try to give all the online tools to try to get to maturity is the task of the Government and of all those who work on these things. “
In a word, interoperability. the convergence of different platforms and, therefore, the multiple future digital identity, whether of individuals and other legal entities. But before the big jump there are still many “dots” to merge. “If we can make life easier for startups – says Barberis – and together they do a good job on a cultural level territories, then really risciremo to stimulate investment in the Italian startup. Because they will understand that this also goes a bit ‘the future of work and growth. “
The” bell “are good for startup
For the father of White Dwarf (and Dada ) today the government innovation advisor along with digital champions Riccardo Luna, the horizon is a virtuous domino effect. According Barberis ecosystem motor must rest on “three levers: simplification, incentives and support to investments in startups, and, of course, the role of the territories. Try to interpret an innovation that is not only in the main Italian centers, but made following ideally the shape of Italy, with a GDP distributed in all regions, with so many territories each protagonist and the bearer of value. A network of innovation engines . “
He is echoed by the president of Digital Magics,” we see every 15 days, the growth of data, “says Alberto Fioravanti.” “A very strong growth in all territories. And the main feature – he explains – is that startups are born in many areas, are spread throughout Italy. We are a country of territories and startups are born from Sicily to Trentino. It is obvious that there is a higher concentration of Milan, but the ecosystem is distributed throughout Italy.
Even at the level of investment growth expectations this year have doubled. “And this – says Fioravanti – is great news. I’m sure that will come more money and that growth will continue. We have to double and aim to double the double also in 2017 . ” As? “We must then see if and how much the territories, the Vc, investment funds, and so be able to speed up. My concern now, precisely, is to do our part to accelerate the processes that will get this money to startup ‘.
Aldo V. Pecora
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