Saturday, July 16, 2016

All the news of BioUpper Investor Day – –


The finalists of BioUpper of the first edition, the support and acceleration platform aspiring startupper in life sciences promoted by Novartis and Fondazione Cariplo , met today in Milan investors interested in their projects: Innogest, Panakès, Principia III and Crossroads.


BioUpper offers training, networking, and accelerated funds to a value of 150,000 Euros. Investor Day, organized by Novartis and Fondazione Cariplo in collaboration with PoliHub in Cariplo Factory, the finalists presented the business plan executive and you are put to the test in front of investors, illustrating the development roadmap, the needs analysis financial and growth potential on the market.


in the morning ended with a further opportunity to aspiring entrepreneurs targati BioUpper, which will launch their own company on Tech-Marketplace, digital platform that supports interaction between start-ups, SMEs and large companies, bringing together supply and demand of technology offered.

the second edition of BioUpper was presented last June 21; until September 30, you can send your application on site.

The TEAM THESE Investor Day

To confront the investors were the first three winners: EVARplanning , an innovative computerized system designed to vascular specialists for planning and rendering plant endo-prosthetic aortic; Panoxyvir, one antiviral nasal spray that can prevent and treat the common cold through the innovative use of oxysterols, physiological molecules derived enzymatic oxidation of cholesterol; Wrap , a system using patented materials and 3D print technology to produce active dressings or chitosan multipolimero effective in treating chronic or surgical wounds.

In addition to these have had the opportunity to present their projects to venture capitalists also three of the finalists of the last edition: BrainControl, a device that allows patients with physical disabilities and communication control through the “thinking” technological tools like , for example, electric wheelchairs or Home automation devices; Math2Ward , a platform that uses specific mathematical algorithms to provide real-time, to cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons, an ad hoc assessment of the patient’s risk of rupture of the aneurysm of the abdominal aorta and ‘display devices to be used in case of intervention; BeatingHeart , a biotech device capable of generating micro-functional human heart tissue for drug development.

Last modified: 2016-07-15T16: 28: 21 + 00: 00 from Veronica Sansonetti


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