In today’s date, was to take place the presentation of the National Plan of Training of teachers, presentation postponed due to other commitments of the Minister, however, the Plan was reportable union July 26 U.S.
Recall that the National Plan for Training of teachers is an innovation introduced by Law no. 107/2015 to paragraph 124, which made the formation of permanent faculty, mandatory and structural. such training should be consistent with the PTOF and the PDM of the School, on the basis of the aforementioned priority plan, which must be adopted every three years by the Minister of Education, University ‘and research, consult with the labor organizations.
in the meeting of 26, as mentioned above, the Administration presented the plan to the unions, stating that it will start in September, the month in which the lead partner must also be identified schools that will manage the funds allocated , 24 million euro in total.
The plan, according to the unions, should be structured in: National requirements, primarily digital and language skills and needs of the school for the improvement and professional development of teachers, for which a portfolio will be established professional teacher.
At the National Plan, therefore, it must bind the Plan of Training Institute; both, in addition to the specific needs of individual schools and among other skills to be acquired / upgrade teachers, they will have to engage in training activities aimed at strengthening the system of competence to implement the basic skills and technological innovation and skills related to different modes of inclusion, not only of foreign students or for the support, but also for other forms of inclusion as the scattering and youth problems.
the implementation of the Plan, has yet to release the Ministry of education, will be monitored by a special working group.
the training will be organized by specific purpose networks specifically created.
Another topic addressed concerned the issue of the school trainers and the possible commitment of the economic value of the training.
in the light of the above, seems to be confirmed as anticipated by OS, which is a training model on two levels closely related to each other – national and local – we’ve talked about in
“mandatory training of teaching staff should have an impact on the learning of pupils”
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