Pisa, July 9, 2016 – Safety, maintenance and services with new technology for structural control. Nearly 2 million euro for the schools. They are 64 buildings of the municipal jurisdiction between nursery, primary and secondary schools. In 22 of whom they will work in the summer. Some have already started. Others, however, it will soon be ending up to the first days of September. “I do not however interfere with the presence of pupils and classes,” assures the Councillor for Public Works, Andrea Serfogli who presented the plan to the engineer Stefano Garza. “It’s money – is keen to say – covered (except for Collodi, in which case the contribution of the Ministry of Education) with the infrastructure costs, despite being dropped for the decreased construction activity. But we are conducting an action the credit recovery. ” The map.
Maintenance extraordinary averages. Shipyards to Fibonacci branches for infiltration in the classrooms. But also reconstruction of the toilet block for a rupture of the pipeline. Intervention similar to the bathrooms of the Toniolo schools. Repairs to the locker room to Galilei block, bath Mazzini; restoration of the gym shelter (plaster peeling) and remedial work.
In elementary school. Restyling of the pavement outside the Gereschi. N.Sauro: plastering of the outer plinth makeover. Parmeggiani and Ciari: construction of two new equipped playgrounds. Parmini: arrangement of deteriorated cornice, sidewalk, replacing the canteen floor. Cabin: bathrooms and adaptations for the disabled. Toti: Soundproofing of two classrooms. The Betti also is taking place the new porch roof with polycarbonate plates (over 34 thousand euro).
Asbestos. At Agazzi: new flooring (there were traces of asbestos in the glue) in 4 classrooms. Removal and disposal to Biagi. Zerboglio: removal and disposal of stumps of the descendants channels of rainwater in cementoamianto. “They enter directly into the garden – said the engineer Garza – and it was therefore necessary to take action.”
Fire Deans. From the nursery to the medium. Fire extinguishers, hoses and posters, but also escape routes for a total of over 200 thousand euro. Then there are works that are used for the improvement of energy performance. At Collodi, external insulation, fixtures and outdoor areas to redevelop access. Then there is the tarnche financed with state contributions for plants. The Baptists outdoor area ( “a request made by the children”) and urgent repair work to the Don Milani and Moretti. Ongoing operation to Newbery, already submitted, for a total of 121 thousand euro.
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