Pisa, July 29, 2016 – As we were (without internet), as we are (with the network) and how we will (in the future) is the time travel that will hold together the edition 2016 Internet Festival 6 to 9 October at Pisa .
the new edition of the festival is dedicated to the theme “digital Materials”, the virtual world metaphor and the rules surrounding it, to an issue that has chosen to explore the forms of the future by following the threads of a digital fabric increasingly pervasive, but every day more real support of an information-based ecosystem. Objects that become nodes, signals that turn into bonds and that redefine the economy, technology, the arts, media, education, even personal identity: they will be the common thread # IF2016 .
“the Network as a frame – the organizers explain – that weaves and connects data, concepts and relationships is the key element of the new edition of the Internet Festival.” The 2016 edition will be a kind of “back to the future” where the 80 will be the bridge to the future, 2048, through today where the “network” is more and more “stuff” in everyday life.
The journey traveling shows more than 200 events , free admission, in various places of Pisa. Four days of debates, meetings, workshops and laboratories, which open their own with an event that features the timeline “base 16″ from the 80s, topical and near future. A “how we were” to describe the political, social, economic and technological environment that allowed the take off – in the 80s – the digital revolution as we know it today, complete with background music and ad hoc television. A journey that turns the clock back in time, to land in the present and project them then in 2048, exactly between thirty-two, in a future to draw from today.
More and more the rich four days of the program, designed as a web of wires that define a diverse and dynamic scenario: from focus on the issue of cybersecurity and the wide analysis of the relationship between war and migrants, a topic which will be dedicated to meetings and insights, stories , innovation, hospitality, music and online contest “the satire sails” under the supervision of Mats; very timely session that analyzes the changes in the labor world in the light of the progress of robotics and new ethical demands; then constant attention to the world economy and the ecosystem of startups, the star once again networking events, the .itCup Registry .it CNR and Bootstrap event, curated by Startupitalia and it Registry.
They return then the appointments of the Gaming , the latest advances in the field of town and the focus on innovation in the food sector mobility. For the culture area, the spotlight on the world of museums and digital publishing, struggling with major challenges of renewal. Do not miss the appointment with the world of sports – which will be dedicated a session titled “When the going gets tough …” – starring: sports, companies that produce wearable or related technology the date of the science sector, academics and journalists. central theme: the advent of innovative products in sports especially in cycling, volleyball, tennis and football.
A lot of news in the space T-Tour , entirely dedicated to educational and informative activities on digital culture. also focus on the Digital Agenda, a real “state of the art” with national institutional players.
First appointments to report, in the early evening schedule, Impossible Interview: three meetings for women with a passion for science to act as a common thread.
the star of prime time is Hedy Lamarr , debut as a scientist and inventor of success and subsequent career as a Hollywood actress – from 2014 in the names of National Inventors Hall of Fame – who will give voice Iaia Forte (Thursday 6, at 21); Milena Vukotic will instead Hypatia , mathematical, astronomer and philosopher, a symbol of freedom of thought (Friday 7th, at 21); while Grace Hopper , a pioneer of computer programming, will speak through the voice of Anne Meacham (Saturday 8, at 21). The music of Jacob Collier , very young, but already established, multi-instrumentalist, protégé of Quincy Jones, will feature on Saturday evening with soul and jazz. Besides Star Trek, movies, web series, tastings, installations, home automation, the hackathon, exhibitions drawing the largest the world of innovation in the small space of the city of Pisa. Internet Festival is the most important national event on the Web and innovation. A unique opportunity to experience connections and trace routes able to draw new geographies and outline increasingly complex spaces to govern. A trip from Pisa continues to explore the world of the most innovative technologies, new forms of communication, digitization and its effects in various fields (from food to music, from culture to international conflicts, from marketing to businesses, from big given to public administration, from theater to sport), not forgetting the social issue of innovation, the younger generations and the ecosystem of startups.
Internet Festival is promoted by the Tuscany Region, the Municipality of Pisa, Register .it and Institute for Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council, University of Pisa, Sant’Anna School, SNS together with the Chamber of Commerce of Pisa, Province of Pisa and Association Festival of Science. The festival director is Claudio Giua, President of Fondazione Sistema Toscana. The coordination is entrusted to Adriana De Cesare for Fondazione Sistema Toscana. Anna Vaccarelli (IIT-CNR) and Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Pisa) coordinate the Executive and Scientific Committee respectively.
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