Saturday, July 9, 2016

Task force of the police, even in the summer night service – The Nation

Capannori (Lucca), July 9, 2016 – From Wednesday, July 13 traffic police on duty at night. News in Capannori for the Municipal Housing which provides for the first week three rounds from 19 to 1 , then in the next one will be activated the turn from 1am to 7am , mostly on weekends. This year, the controls will be enhanced through the adoption of a technological type “ Targha 193 ” system that, thanks to a camera, used to read the number plate of the vehicle in transit and to know in real time if it is covered by the insurance, and if it is in compliance with the review.

in addition to this roadside checks will focus on the driving under the influence , subjecting the driver to test alcohol precursor and, in the case of positivity, the dell’etilometro test. The agents will also have telelaser to detect vehicles zipping in towns. The checks will cover all fractions , but particular attention will be given to those cross from the busiest roads, such as Viale Europa, Via Domenico Chelini, Via Pesciatina, Via della Madonnina, via Lime Street and Sottomonte . “Our goal is a safe 360 ​​degrees – explains the minister for urban security Lia Miccichè -. We want the transport passing through the streets respect the rules of the road, thus helping to prevent accidents and other dangerous situations. ” In addition to the action on the streets of the city police will also focus on countries, to prevent the theft , and in parks and public gardens against vandalism and other actions against property of the community. The service agents will also affect the festivals, fairs and other events of the country, the controls against the nocturnal noises and environmental crimes. Also continues the commitment of the municipal administration in coordination with the police of the area to provide security to the population.


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