Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Aqueduct of the Fiora, curbs the tariff increase – gonews

Following the entry into force of the new tariff method “MTI-2″ the manager has sent to the Authority Hydro Tuscany (AIT ) and the Authority for Electricity and Gas water System (AEEGSI) its proposals for the Economic and Financial plan until 2026 (year of the end of the concession of the Fiora), the integrated water service tariff and the floor investments in the 2016-2019 period. This proposal will be examined by the technical structure of the IWA and submitted in the coming weeks for approval by the Conference of Mayors of the municipalities managed by Acquedotto del Fiora and AIT regional assembly.

After 14 years of tariff increases by more than 6.5%, thanks to the financial economic consolidation achieved by the Aqueduct Fiora in recent years, the necessary increase in the operator’s proposal for 2016, aimed at ensuring investments and quality of service , it stood at 4.9%, 1.6 percentage points less than they did in the previous 14 years, and an astounding 3.1 points less than the applicable maximum increase envisaged in the resolution 664/2015 of AEEGSI investment Fiora , that even in 2016 will exceed 35 million. In the plan proposed by the operator tariff increase will further reduce in the coming years by about 0.5% per year until it reaches zero in 2024, in line with the already approved by the AIT in previous years.

part of the rate increase requested by the operator are designed to absorb the estimated 12 million adjustments for the years 2012 to 2015 that have been coated over several years, to avoid a rate increase of more than 15% if recovered in a single solution. In fact, the current legislation requires that adjustments related to prior years are included in the Guaranteed Income Bond and then in the rate, while in previous years would have been possible to include them directly in the bill. It is estimated that the sales manager has not cashed but would have to be collected to cover the costs accounted all’AEEGSI in the years 2012-2015 according to the full cost recovery policy.

Another part of the rate increase should be provided to cover dell’ingente investment plan of about 650 million that the Fiora has achieved and will achieve by 2026. the 340 million invested since the beginning of the grant made it possible to equip the territory with infrastructure leading the way with a quality service. Technological innovation in the remote control, with over 5,000 points monitored, now allows you to boot into districts techniques to deal effectively with the reduction of water losses in the network, so that in Grosseto have recovered 100 liters per second, equivalent to over 10 % of volumes billed in 56 municipalities managed, while nell’Argentario about 40 liters per second. The technological upgrading of backbone Arbure, Fiora and Vivo d’Orcia, allowed last year to manage 27 landslides without causing generalized inconvenience to users, allowing you to achieve an availability of water supply service to more than 99.5%, situation that ten years ago was very different. Also, in the water treatment sector it has been achieved coverage of 94% of the users, since more than 24 points above the national average.

To anticipate the achievement of these objectives, of the investments they were made through the use of 140 million bank loans, to be repaid within the next 10 years; This has slowed the reduction of the rate increase envisaged in the financial plan that will allow the Aqueduct Fiora to leave at the end of the concession, an area equipped with technologically advanced infrastructure and an integrated water service of high quality.

But now the fare increases are now in a phase of gradual reduction and could further be reduced thanks to the efficiencies that the manager would expect as a return on investment for the technological modernization of plant and infrastructure, the new information and management system, work force management, know-how on the leak detection.

In addition, it has also updated the plan of action 2016-2026, which provides about 300 million investment, adjusting it to the new needs of the territory and the legislative changes introduced mainly in the water treatment sector. On July 22, finally, the AIT assembly approved the new service charter, which introduces improvements from the point of view of the integrated water service quality of the management of the relationship with customers.

Source: Aqueduct of Fiora

All news of Tuscany


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