Are you preparing your bags for the Private ? Among costumes, life jacket and paddle, do some ‘of space for technology! Here are ten gadgets that you can bring with you and that will make your sweaty, and much-awaited dream vacation even more enjoyable and comfortable!

Moleskine Smart Writing Set
If you are a traveler, you will love taking notes: where you’ve been, what you’ve seen, maybe with a sketch of the Hindu temple that you have visited or a map of the Loire castles that you have already explored. then you will know the diaries Moleskine : new this year is the Smart Writing Set . In practice, a pen “magic” that connects your Apple smartphone or tablet. When you write or draw sull’agendina combined Moleskine, the pen sends an exact copy to your touch device. This way, you will always have a digital copy, which corresponds throughout agenda Moleskine set (even the page number!) And you can send email, make a PDF or share on social. The only fault of the set is that it costs a lot: 230 € . When you finish the agenda, however, you will not have to buy back all: the paper replacement costs 30 euro.

LG 360 ° Cam
While you are attending the company (put “like” the our page!) you will notice that now on Facebook you can share photos and videos to 360 ° . They are the “next big thing” in the world of photography: nothing but selfies, you can resume the table with friends, a breathtaking view at the top of a castle tower, a square in a city of art without the constraint of the frame, everything around you. To do this, you need a camera like the LG 360 ° Cam: small and light (77 grams), has two goals speculated on both sides that reflect the environment around you and the “mountain” so that you can see (and share) a 13-megapixel photos or video (up to 2K!) to 360 °. It can be used with any Android smartphone and even with the iPhone, so you have no excuse! Costa 279 € .
suspended curtain Tentsile
Going camping is a great experience: the best way to get in touch with nature and the outdoors. A little ‘less hilarious all is at creepy crawlers or with too many pairs of legs that have elected your tent as their home. So, nothing better than to hang himself! From America comes Tentsile , a cross between a hammock and a tent. There are several models, to suit all tastes: there is one with four inputs, the open air, and so on. It starts from the 120 € and go up to 500, but remember that the company donates part of the proceeds for reforestation: every three sold tents, will plant a new tree !

PowerPack Varta
the main flaw of any modern smartphone is battery : Do you remember the good old Nokia 3310 , the pre-smartphone handset that when he fell was so strong it was a hole in the floor to China? Here, in addition to being the mobile version of The Rock, he had a battery that lasted three or four days. Today your iPhone is already so if you arrive late in the day: to avoid running out of energy dry, you should bring along a powerpack, battery “escort” who help you in half by charging notch critical moments, when you have to just make that important call or take that picture beautiful. The PowerPack Varta is colored (you can choose between the coral shades, mint, black and white gray), cheap ( 12.99 euro ) and weighs very little (61 grams ). He can recharge a smartphone like the iPhone 5S fully. But remember to also charge the PowerPack and having to drag the cable to the phone!

How many of you in forgiveness holiday of all? Glasses, wallets, smartphones … Wire Track is the solution to this problem: it is a plastic handle three to four cm wide, very thin, which connects via Bluetooth to your smartphone. Once “Connected”, just tie it to the object that you do not want to lose – as your wallet or luggage while you are traveling, for example. If you want to find the object, just open the app that will show you on the map where you left wire or activate the audible alarm on the same wire. Do not have a standalone GPS , so it is not an anti-theft: the App is “marking” the last known position, so it is useful to find keys and glasses left in the house, for example, or where you parked the car in the city of art that are visiting. It also works in reverse: if you lose your smartphone, touching the wire button cell phone rings and I found! Costa 29,90 € , discounts if you buy in quantity.

Snorkeling Mask EasyBreath
you have finally arrived to the sea: no time to unload luggage you dive into the water to admire the backdrops . It often happens that the traditional mask is filled with salt water, or that it will tarnish leaving a visibility as in November with the mist of the lower Po. The mask EasyBreath through all this: it looks like a gadget 007 ! completely covers the face, so the water but he got harder and you see everything better. The mouthpiece to breathe above the water is made so that no water can get in and make you drink bitter and salty mouthfuls! You can find it in Decathlon stores to 39 Euros, in two sizes: S / M for children and ladies, XL for large men with faccioni!

Drone Parrot Hydrofoil
A real geek can not go on holiday without a drone, it would be like starting without the costume or the fins. In the category “drones fun to use, but that does not cost the same as a month’s salary,” Parrot has a wide range of products, including drones with ruotone gigantic and jumpers. For the holidays, we chose Hydrofoil : is the classic Parrot flying drone with four propellers that can fly directly from your smartphone, but can also be coupled to a polystyrene hull transformed into a radio-controlled boat ( always by your smartphone) that can whiz to 5 knots (10 km / h) on the water surface. The battery, as usual, the Achilles’ heel of these products, lasts about ten minutes, then we suggest you buy a backup. Costa 170 € , careful not to do like the Titanic with other swimmers!

Headphones SkullCandy Ink’d Wireless
Listen to holiday music should be a legal requirement : after months gray and repetitive, nothing better than to revisit the soundtrack of your life. On the beach and generally on vacation, we recommend the in-ear headphones, namely those that stuck in the ear – with 42 degrees in the shade we do not want to hear about headphones with pavilion! The SkullCandy Ink’d Wireless connect via Bluetooth to your smartphone (so, no long wires lying around that always bother) and can be stored nell’archetto to put around his neck. Very light, almost did not hear them. Reproduce the sound very well and also charge lasts up to 7 hours; then if someone calls, you can use it to answer the phone (but you are sure to want to be bothered?). They cost 50 euro.

Kobo Touch 2.0
summer holidays are the perfect time to read all the books bought in winter and accumulated due to lack of time. The charm of the paper is not discussed, but the eReader like Kobo have a number of advantages: they are light, and in a few tens of grams can charge the equivalent of pounds and pounds of paper books. The Kobo compared to a tablet or smartphone to one very tiring on the eyes thanks to the technology of its E Ink screen, and has virtually no reflections even under the blazing sun more blinding. The battery lasts for weeks and not hours (as is the case with smartphones) and, another advantage, eBooks are much cheaper than paper books (even half in some cases. The 2.0 KoboTouch costs EUR 89.00 , but if you’re greedy and passionate readers we recommend the Kobo Glo HD, with the backlit screen (to read even in the dark) and a higher resolution.

Rockbox Round H2O Fresh’n’Rebel
the earphones are perfect to listen in peace the soundtrack of your summer, but if you want to trigger the notes together friends at a poolside party, it wants a speaker – maybe that is not afraid water and splashing. the Rockbox Round H2O is connected via Bluetooth to your smartphone , tablet or MP3 player and “shoots” to music at a volume loud enough to hear a “group”, although the size is very small. The battery lasts up to eight hours. It does not survive a complete immersion, but at the same time do not bother splashing water and some spray. Costa 39,90 € . If you prefer, there is also the version with fabric finishes.
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