Triumph of Beyoncé to the stage of San Siro of Milan, where the “ Formation World Tour ” of the US star made his only Italian. Faced with 55 thousand spectators has staged a show that combines spectacular and heat , where Beyoncé sported both the amazing vocal talents as a personality able to embarrass your competitors.
After the album visual, or a disc accompanied a video from the first minute to make it like a feature film, Beyoncé has adopted the “ visual concert” . The Formation Tour that touched Italy in a stadium San Siro full and enthusiastic, is a formally perfect show, intense, which actually takes place throughout the “ Monolith “, a box of 18 meters in height on which it is sent (suitably altered) everything that happens on stage. Good news, someone will say, as if it were the first time you use big screens in concerts, especially in large open spaces. The point is that it’s usually the big screen is an addition to help see or to postpone visuals with dramatic effect, here is the absolute middle. To the point that the lights placed at its base often with their intensity prevent (on pain of blindness) to watch the artists move around the stage, forcing you to stare at the screen. The name (which refers to the monolith of “2001 A Space Odyssey)” makes it clear that this is not just a big screen, but a focal point on which all must focus. The Monolith is the stage , virtual real time now, as when during “ Partition “, Beyonce and her dancers perform in it.

a show in five acts, all introduced by the visual impact from visual and powerful symbolic taken from the video produced for the album “Lemonade”, and its “ Lemonade “, with seven extracts, it is the focus of a show with a solid plot, to which some of the successes were also sacrificed that people expect in such events (see” Single Ladies “). And where the absolute star is her: she now dressed in black lace with leopard boots , now on white lace or in red latex. You always with the right pose and the wind in your hair (miracles of fans scattered on stage), but that is not afraid to show even with makeup and parruco drenched by a final all played on the second shelf placed in the audience and turned into a pool for one of the most spectacular moments of the evening, even in its simplicity (compared to the technological wizardry of Monolith).
the screen will refer maxi, often in solitary or supported right from the body dance that follows faithful and highlights some moments of the show with acrobatic choreography. Otherwise, the band (all-female) is a ectoplasmic presence , where only drummer and guitarist have the honor of appearing in public for two solos of great effect on rispettavamente “ Countdown ” and “ Do not Hurt Yourself .”

The Formation Tour is a show able to show all sides of Beyoncé. Technically perfect, the limit dell’algido, especially in the first part, but also capable of great heat impulses and communicative. Exploding in both collective moments (the cry of 55 thousand at the end of a sweeping “ Daddy Lessons ” is the limit dell’assordante) than in others where Ms. Knowles performs a cappella (like ” Irreplaceble “and above all a splendid” Love On Top “), or lets go of his most soulful strings. The interpretation of “ The Beautiful Ones ” wins by posting on all private gifts to Prince in recent months, Prince that is sold, the scene with the Monolith colored purple while passing the original version of “ Purple Rain “. In two hours Beyoncé passes nonchalantly dall’r’nb to pop, from soul to rock, to demonstrate an interpretative flexibility that puts you one step ahead of the contenders to the throne category (someone said Rihanna ?).
The finish is a string of successes where the emotional tension of the show path traced melts: “ Crazy In Love “, “ Naughty Girl “,” Freedom “, a touch of Destiny’s Child with” Survivor “,” End of Time “and the closing” Halo “allow you to deal the knockout blow. There are different ways to use the stadiums for a concert: Beyoncé has raised the bar for all those who come after.
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