Monday, August 3, 2015

The Region “ensures” the future hospital – Il Messaggero Veneto

 SPILIMBERGO. A significant increase in beds of medicine, their number varies from six to ten depending on the actual needs that should manifest, a simple structure of anesthesia allowing the surgery to be able to operate safely and continuity, specializing in particular in the interventions of the week and day surgery but also the strengthening of home care and the reorganization of family medicine, with the contribution also of adequate technological instruments.


 These “results” that, at least on paper, the council of Spilimbergo, was able to take home after the expected meeting with the Regional Minister for Health Maria Sandra Telesca, host city of the mosaic and star of a ‘public assembly, strongly supported by the Health council committee, chaired by Councillor Charles Roman.


 A meeting harbinger of something new but also more than some reassurance about the role that the hospital Spilimbergo, following the reform of regional health, will have in the future.


 Exponent of the regional executive led by Debora Serracchiani have suffered arrive reassurance on the maintenance of the local hospital, “did anything but certain,” said Telesca. One thought, one councilor, shared also by the regional director Armando Zecchinon (Pd), attended the meeting with the mayor of Spilimbergo, Renzo Francesconi alderman and municipal health policy and welfare, Benedict Falcone.


 “Recognition of Spilimbergo hospital which hospital network, and therefore its conservation, is an important result and far from clear,” stressed the regional director Pd, ensuring its role as legislator and now accompanying the Law reform, “the commitment to ensure that the content provided by the hospital in Spilimbergo are maintained since the container there.”


 Mayor Francesconi came the hope that “what is required in terms of services Company health may find

practical effect because, requests made really need them all.”

 “In contrast – he concluded the mayor of Spilimbergo – we will continue our struggle for the defense of health in our area.” (g.z.)





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