The Rai, for better or for worse, is always an index and a symptom of Italian political history. The latest appointments summits have shown – with the exception of Carlo Freccero – that The subdivision continues , since the number of identity of a company ever freed from external constraints. And, what’s more, the character of the summit has been designed on the basis of old and worn Gasparri Law of 2004, still in force, although the translation of legislation Berlusconi’s dominance. It was reasonable to expect some news from the government “car heaven.” Or enough Antonio Campo Dall’Orto and Monica Maggioni? We return to the bill. It was packaged a proposal that takes us back forty years. The (against) government reform (bill n.1880) shows that there is an absolute lack of strategy. As well as a vision. Unfortunately, in fact, the text is limited to work on the mechanism of powers, without assigning any mission defined the company. As was pointed out in the same parliamentary debate, stop at the first reading, and in large part the comments, moving the center of gravity from parliament to the executive is wrong and dangerous.
weigh acclaimed vices of unconstitutionality, as highlighted among others -in the hearing at the Parliamentary Supervision- Enzo Cheli. The heart of the articulated revolves around the introduction of the figure of ‘ CEO, with features much higher than those of traditional general manager. A sort of head-company, trustee of Palazzo Chigi. Among other things, a government amendment inserted at the last minute in the Senate provides to the Director General to take the form (and the power) of the CEO , to close the circle. The board of directors (today of nine members, nine tomorrow) becomes a corollary. Indeed.
The “subtext” of the text is clear. The Rai gradually loses the character of a public service and is reduced to mere governmental company. You probably mid-table, as they are now in positions of head Sky, Mediaset and Telecom as a new entry-Netflix, not to mention the October (Over the top), from Google to Amazon. The proof is the absence of any proper investigation, at least to define the new map of the public role, in truth topical. To an extent even greater than yesterday. The digital age has need of a clever intervention of the state, nor care, nor confined to a sort of “book-heart” centered on teacher Manzi. The state-innovator, in modern terms with which he wrote Mariana Mazzucato, is an essential tool. After the center of gravity was pan-television Berlusconi, now serving a clever transition to the different technology platforms (microwave, cable, satellite), guaranteeing to all, without discrimination, access to free and broadband. The task of public service goes from the border “northwest”, where you play present and future of digital citizenship. The risk to be avoided is the “gap television”: the gap between those who are able to enter the world cross-media and those who had to settle for a repetitive general television. It will be a test for Italian democracy. A challenge not to be missed.
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